Why Learn how to Code?

Margarita Zias
Tech Collectives @ TIQC
3 min readMay 5, 2018


Why should I learn to code? I’m not a CS major, I have no interest in the tech field and it just seems really hard and complicated.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this mindset. Many people seem to have this reaction when it comes to the idea of ‘coding’. Like trying anything for the first time it can appear complicated, aggravating, unnecessary but, overall, scary. This includes Computer Scientists.

None of us were born with the ability to code. In fact, we’ve all failed numerous times in our attempt to learn it. But, lets talk a bit about why coding is such an important skill in today’s society.

  1. EVERYTHING uses it!

Ok, maybe not everything but a lot of everyday items are becoming more and more intelligent with time. From smartphones, to cars to refrigerators major tech companies have made it their personal goal to make our houses and every day life as ‘smart’ as possible. Such companies include: Samsung, Google and Ford. The reality is that whether or not we think its necessary this technology will continue to expand and our goal should be not necessarily to fear these advancements but to embrace them by feeling more comfortable with them. Learning to code is key here because it will allow us to not only asses any threats or issues with these products but also, for the sake of fun, edit them accordingly.

2. It’s a cool skill to have

Alright, I know when you think of coders you probably think about ‘Revenge of the Nerds’ but the reality is that the coding and computer science field has and continues to grow with time. Gone are the days when you would think of a stereotypical male sitting in his room eating Twinkies and drinking a big gulp. While for some this may be the reality, I can assure you that for me, a female in this industry it is not. While I have met certain individuals that were difficult to get along with I quite enjoy my major and I make it a rule to not let others speak over me as to keep it that way.

3. It’s a ‘hot’ industry that is always growing

Companies are desperate for coders. There is such a high demand for engineers that knowing how to code in any language is a key skill to have that sticks out to your employers/interviewers. The starting salary for any engineer runs anywhere from 70–80k so even if you don’t want to do it full-time, doing some freelance work is more than enough to get you a little extra pocket change.

4. Coding is not a major!

I cannot stress this enough- codding is a SKILL. It can be combined with any major and used/applied in a variety of ways. You don’t need to be a genius to code, you just need to be a little creative and willing.


Ok, fine, lets say I decide to learn, where do I start?

Depending on your level of comfort there are numerous resources available. If you would like to start with basic problem solving in code-like environments code.org is a great resource. If you feel slightly more comfortable and want to start learning a real coding language codeacademy.com is a place to start. Apps such as SoloLearn are also a great way to learn coding on the go and there are various books available for the bookworm as well(that are more affordable than college books). My personal suggestions would be:

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites 1st Edition — 11.00$


JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development 1st Edition — 23.00$


The Web Developer Bootcamp By Colt Steele — 10.00$

The only course you need to learn web development — HTML, CSS, JS, Node, and More!




Margarita Zias
Tech Collectives @ TIQC

I’m a very passionate individual with great time management and leadership skills. I am bilingual, creative and extremely energetic and always willing to learn.