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10 Things Women Notice on a First Date

LA Rysk
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2022


And Which Ones are Deal Breakers

10. The Face. Where is the lie? This is brutal truth. It seems superficial, but ask yourself, could you look at a face for the rest of your life that you did not like? Come on. Be honest. Telepathy is giving a resounding “no.” Not to worry. Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is a face for everyone. Not every man needs her date to have the square jaw and dimpled chin of Tom Brady or perfect facial symmetry of Reggie Bush. It just needs to be acceptable. Yes, that’s it. We are checking to see if he has an acceptable face. Guys do it too.

Photo by Ludvig Wiese on Unsplash

9. Height. Shorter men, be warned. Height is a nuisance for the tall man as well. A tall date once explained that he was annoyed by his height. He always needed to bend down to make sure his head missed a doorway. Chairs were never big enough. Finding fitting pants were a problem. He had to do a grand plie to give women a kiss. Women understand that height is something men cannot control. Many of us would have no issue dating a man smaller in stature. The only issue with dating shorter men is when they self-consciously, constantly refer to height. Or tell us we can’t wear heels. We’re fine with dating someone shorter. But if you tell us not to wear heels, it is over.

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8. Breath. No explanation needed. But, just in case; No one, no one wants to date someone who’s breath smells. This is not to be mean. Some people have gastrointestinal illness, and really nothing can be done. However, some people are negligent and have bad hygiene. Then others are unconscious of their bad breath. For example, smokers become immune because the nicotine literally coats the nostril hairs in tar, so the sense of smell is gone. It happens to the best of us. But for many, it is a dealbreaker.

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7. Manners. Please? Thank you. May I? Or is it just gimme, gimme, gimme? There is Type A — “get sh*t done” attitude, and then there is just self-absorbed, “No one matters but me.” Being rude to waitstaff and the people around you is a preview of how we will be treated in the future.

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6. How well you tip. Yeah, just the tip. Not that tip. The tip. And by tip, we do not mean tips and tricks. Not tips as in advice on how to change a tire. We mean generosity. If it is less than 15% — cringe.

Photo by Sam Dan Truong on Unsplash

5. Facial hair. The shape and style of a man’s moustache and beard speaks volumes about his sexuality and sexual orientation. Call us the moustache whisperer, but facial hair tells us a story. Men understand this as well; Have you noticed that grooming styles vary with sexual orientation? The thickness and position of the goatee says a lot. A chinstrap or clean face says a lot. The facial hair says a lot.

Photo by Himanshu Dewangan on Unsplash

4. Socks. Personal Confession: The better the socks, the more attractive the man. Maybe it has something to do with attention to detail. In marriage, perhaps a man’s/husband’s holey socks are as acceptable as a woman’s/wife’s holey panties. But, if we are not yet married and we show up undone, unkempt with no effort, like Simon Cowell, many women would likely say, “It’s a no from me.”

Photo by Tai's Captures on Unsplash

3. Car. For the most part, women do not care if a man drives a Bugatti or an Altima. Men misconstrue women's focus on their cars. It is not so much the expense of the car, but that you have one. It is helpful to know that you have a means to get around. A man having a car also indicates that he has a good credit score, has not had DUIs, and that he is solvent — responsible financially to make payments. It indicates stability — at a minimum.

Photo by Evgeny Tchebotarev on Unsplash

2. Sense of humor. If Seinfeld and Kevin Hart had a man baby, that would be ideal. When in a man’s presence, we often wonder; Can he take a joke? Can he give a joke? There is something about a man with a sense of humor that can always be appreciated. Not taking life or oneself too seriously is a turn on. Not always being down in the dumps is a must. (Unless a woman scored the next Picasso who’s sucess thrives in his emotionality.) Having wit comes in handy on those gray and rainy days. And having a man around to constantly prank is a must. What couple does not prank each other? If you have not, try it out. You are missing out.

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  1. Energy. A woman’s intuition is magical. If you are the one, we just know — within 2 seconds. Someone once said, “You should have butterflies every time you two are together if you’re truly in love.” Someone else once uttered something to the effect of, “If they give you butterflies then that’s not the one for you. True love is calming.” Well, I have been in love and did not have butterflies every time we were together. So, I guess the second person was right. He has a name, it’s Buddha. Women’s intuition is like a spiritual litmus test which measures how at peace, safe and secure we feel around you. We tap into your energy, and hope for peace and protection, because that is a feeling we want to last forever.
Photo by Bruce Hong on Unsplash



LA Rysk

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