Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

5 Men's Dating Profile Pictures that Scare Women Away

LA Rysk
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2021


Men, ever wonder what women see when we are on dating sites?

Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

The Greatest Catch

What we see:

You embrace a gigantic fish with the pride of a mother who just gave birth.

What we are thinking:

What am I looking at? I know it’s a fish but, what is that? What is he going to do with it? Is that…blood? Aww, poor fish. Swipe left.

Photo by Evgeny Nelmin on Unsplash

The Husband on the Couch

What we see:

An overweight man is sitting on a couch who puts no effort into finding his angles. He is expressionless and looks like he has not washed or shaved in days. He seems angry for some reason. Maybe it is the wife.

What we are thinking:

Oh, wow. I am 25. I set my age limit to 35. Why is there a 60-year-old man "liking" my profile pics? Wait, is that a wedding ring? Why is he on a dating site? Swipe left.

Photo by Sangria Señorial on Unsplash

The Sister/Wife

What we see:

Your arm is wrapped around a beautiful woman in every one of your profile photos. We are confused.

What we are thinking:

Oh, she's pretty. She is in all of his photos. Why is she there? It could be his sister or, no, maybe that's his ex-girlfriend. Even worse, maybe that's his wife. Are they looking for a menage a trois? Swipe left.

Photo by Tanner Ross on Unsplash

Joe (Too) Cool

What we see:

Bad habits in every pic. Smoking and drinking. Sunken in cheeks and dark circles around the eyes.

What we are thinking:

His sister or somebody who loves him is trying to help him get clean. They had to set this profile up for him. Maybe they think a girlfriend will help. I want a man, not a project. Swipe left.

Photo by Curtis Potvin on Unsplash

Mr. Too Good to Be True

What we see:

A man who strongly resembles a celebrity.

What we are thinking:

Oh, he is really cute. He kind of looks like Trey Songz. He really looks like Trey Songz. Total doppelganger. That IS Trey Songz. Did he cut and paste a celebrity photo? This must be a bot. Swipe left.

Honorable mentions:

The photos with the ex-girlfriend's face blurred, and your arm is wrapped around her shoulder. You are obviously looking for a rebound. If we are wise, it will not be us.

The lost ranger who is in every country across the globe imaginable. We see you standing before Christ the Redeemer in Brazil. Then, you are walking across the Great Wall of China. Oh, wow! You scaled Mount Everest. Bravo! It is good to know that you are well-traveled. But will you have time for us? You obviously get bored easily. How can we ever compete with the thrill you got when ziplining across an erupting volcano that summer in Costa Rica? Are you ever home?

Bathroom pictures. (Most often the shower needs to be scrubbed)

Pictures of you laying in bed undressed. (Too much information, too soon. I do not want to see man nipples on a stranger.)

I pretty much threw in the towel for online dating when I realized that 90 percent of the profiles were on the rebound or looking for side action.

If virtual dating is the future of the dating world, ugh. Please do away with these types of pics. They misrepresent you or send the wrong message.

Guys, instead, what we love to see is 1) a simple full frontal (not nude — get your minds out of the gutter) face photo 2) a photo of you engaging your hobby (because — eh, we want to know what you are into) 3) a photo of you with friends 4) a photo of you doing your job (those public speaking pictures are hot) and 5) a picture of you with mom or a dog or any other living being that you love besides yourself (it shows compassion and that you could potentially love us.)

Thanks for reading and happy dating!



LA Rysk

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