AMA Recap — TC:ME x Metamoonshots

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AMA Recap — TC:ME x Metamoonshots

This week Metamoonshot, a community for crypto investors and entrepreneurs, hosted an exclusive AMA with Dr. Venkat from the TC:ME team. We loved answering all the questions from the Metamoonshot community! Here are the highlights of this insightful session:

Q&A with Metamoonshot Team

Q1. Please give us a brief Introduction of yourself and the team behind Tower Conquest: Metaverse Edition (TC:ME). Also, can you tell us about the inspiration that got it started?

Hey everyone, I’m Dr Venkat (not the medical kind, the other one), and I’m VP product at SuperGaming.

TC:ME is being built by SuperGaming, one of India’s leading game studios with a player base of above 200 million across various genres of games.

As a studio, SuperGaming has been working in the Web3 space for a while now. We’re very committed to building sustainable Web3 games for everyone to enjoy (Details soon).

TC:ME is our first Web3 game, and is built on top of one of our most successful Web2 games, Tower Conquest.

Q2. Introduce us to TC:ME and its gameplay. What are its salient features and how do users begin playing? And how do users earn from it?

So, TC:ME is a thrilling multiplayer, tower defense game, built on Polygon. It’s nail-biting REAL-TIME action that’s easy to pick up.

Players can start for FREE on both web and mobile. They can choose a squad from a large roster of characters, tweak their strategy in real-time and battle their way to the top of the leaderboard.

The best part of the game is the PVP modes that we’ve built. This is almost one of a kind where you can get started AND earn for free. Just login and get playing!

Players can sign-up on our website or download the app on Play Store.

Q3. Please give us detailed information about your game economy. Do tell us a little about your NFTs Cards as well, what do they look like?

When we started building TC:ME, we looked at the economics of over 100 games that were live. (Sadly most aren’t alive anymore).

The models we use in TC:ME has been developed with worldwide experts in economics (people whose daily jobs are running world economics)

It’s built for the long term, keeping PLAYERS at the center of it all. Here’s the issue: Most games in the past had NFT-only base economics, which have not worked.

Instead, TC:ME uses a combination of fungible and non-fungible assets that players can earn by simply playing the game.

All these assets are owned BY the player and are tradeable.

For NFTs, we’re launching the game with two types: The King from the Kingsmen faction, and the Old One from the Undead faction.

Q4. Can you also tell us about your current partners and who are also your prospective partners? Also provide us with some brief information regarding security.

While we have many partnerships in the works, we recently announced one with Sequence wallet, the creators of Skyweaver.

They’re our chosen wallet provider/manager that’s completely self-custodial and they have a seamless onboarding experience.

Next, Security. We take EVERYONE’S security very seriously.

With over a decade of experience building multiplayer games, we’re well versed in server security, anti-cheat, automated banning etc. We have 24/x7 monitoring to ensure that our servers are up and running, and we don’t get DDOS’d.

On the chain side, everything from our signup flows, to our smart contracts, to our mint is either developed in-house in collaboration with top-tier experts. Each of our contracts will be vetted, and the results will be published.

Q5. Lastly, please give us a summary of your Q1-Q3 2022 highlights and what major news we should look forward to from Tower Conquest Q4 of 2022 and beyond.

We started development in late Q1 2022. Through Q1-Q3, we’ve been building the game. We’ve run some in-house tournaments, stress tested, and launched our signup (over 600K players) and beta.

Our mainnet launch is EARLY NOVEMBER. This will be the biggest milestone and we’re hoping that players love what we’ve built.

We’re also going to do an exclusive mint in Q1 2023, so you can actually try the game before you decide to put your hard-earned $$ on our assets.

We’re also planning live tournaments, leaderboards, streamer mode, etc in 2023. All of this will be announced soon!

Community Q&A

Community Q1

How confident are you in making a web3 game in this market? How strong is the team?

This isn’t new to us. We’ve been building games for over a decade now, and we’ve seen massive shifts in the gaming industry.

Some of us have been around since the pre-iPhone days. We saw the advent of free-to-play on mobile, its rise, and now Web3.

In short: This is a team of REAL developers, who’ve been making games for a very, very long time. Our previous games have over 500Mn users (total).

Community Q2

Is your community and their feedback of importance for the team building TC:ME?


We do this for every single product that leaves our doors.

We don’t just build games for ourselves, or to just make money. Games bring JOY. That’s the core offering.

We run large communities for all our products, including TC:ME. We don’t just listen, we act. Whether it’s fixing issues or taking direction from our community, we do it all.

For example, one of our players used to play one of our games for over 5 years. He’s now credited in the game, and he is one of our MVPs.

Community Q3

Currently, many projects in many countries have to be closed due to improper use of regulations and operating permits. So to go global, how does Tower Conquest solve these problems?

We’re a proper studio, we have a budget to undertake legal compliance. We work with some of the best financial, legal and compliance advisors that we can hire to ensure that some law change does not leave our players high and dry.

Even with each one of our tech partners (Wallets, on-ramp solutions, KYC, etc etc), we have a vetting process where we ask pointed questions about compliance.

Anyone who doesn’t meet that standard does not make the cut.

Community Q4

Every project has interesting stories before it is created. So can you tell everyone about the story that inspired you to build and grow a great Tower Conquest like yours?

The game that TC:ME is built on, is called Tower Conquest. We’ve been running that game since 2016, and we have a bunch of players who have been playing it since soft launch.

When we were making that game, it wasn’t just a bunch of guys sitting around a table and playing. Our families played it as well (my kids still play the game, and they’re both less than 10 years old).

So, when we started exploring the Web3 space, this was the obvious choice.

It’s easy to play, accessible (literally 2 minutes to understand how to play), and it’s incredibly fun to play over and over again.

Community Q5

Where can I buy your tokens now, what are your current contracts address and how can I buy them and what are the benefits?

Token isn’t on sale yet. (Sometime next year)

We want you to come and play the game FIRST. We’re here for the long term.

Details about Tokenomics, contract, etc will be announced in our social channels when we’re ready to share them with everyone (soon).

That’s it folks! We had a great time interacting with fellow web3 enthusiasts and hope to do more such AMAs in the future.

Follow us on our social channels to stay updated with all things TC:ME

Twitter | Telegram | Telegram Announcement| Discord | Youtube| Website

About TC:ME

Tower Conquest: Metaverse Edition (TC:ME) is a free-to-earn, real-time PvP tower defense game that pits you against other players in a battle for glory! Get started for free on Web, mobile or PC and earn tokens by simply playing. With robust economics that are built to last, TC:ME is accessible to players, traders and investors alike.

Stay tuned to our social channels for updates on the project:

Twitter | Telegram | Telegram Announcement| Discord | Youtube| Website

