Game Review #3

Josh Eppolito
TCNJ Game Studies and Design Fall 2021
2 min readNov 5, 2021

There are many popular games that are co op, but one game that came out last year that changed my view of co op games was Phasmophobia. The first time I played Phasmophobia I instantly loved the game. It was nothing like I had played before since you can interact with the world by talking to it. Not only that it has two of my favorite aspects in a game, horror and co op.

The game can be played solo or up to four total players. Each map varies in size which make it more suitable for the amount of players you have. Before each game begins the players start in a small room where they can buy items for the ghost hunt and select the location they wish to go. The sounds of the game are a game changer for me. From the creeks of an old home floor to the whistling of an empty school hallway, the sounds immerse you into the game and add an extra spooky element to the game.

What makes the gameplay fun for me is the element of surprise, not knowing where the ghost is while you walk around these scary, haunted locations. Being with a friend or two changes the game, when you’re with friends you can talk on the walkie talkie or talk to each other if you’re close to them. This is a great feature because if you split up from friends you can’t talk to them unless you use the walkie talkie, but there are times when the ghost is hunting and your walkie talkie does not work so there’s no way to communicate to your friends. The immersion of Phasmophobia is unique, it makes you feel like your at these haunted locations hunting for a ghost that you know very little about.

Although the game has many great things to it there are some flaws that may not be deal breakers are a problem to the game. Like many games the more hours you put into them the better you become, the more you learn and master the game. You learn patterns of the AI or memorize each items, map, etc. In Phasmophobia the more hours you put into the game you start to know each ghost to a tee. This isn’t a big problem because the atmosphere of the game is unique and scary every time.

That being said Phasmophobia is a fun horror co op game to play if you enjoy those genres. The game’s pros outweigh the cons heavily and not only that they are updating the game frequently. Just last week they added new ghost and maps so they already resolved one of my cons for the game.

