Game Review #3: Pokemon Unite

Jairo Badilla
TCNJ Game Studies and Design Fall 2021
2 min readNov 5, 2021

When Pokemon Unite first launched, I knew I had to hop in the game and grind it out to the top. The game is pretty much a MOBA but much simplistic. I have tried playing League of Legends and while I did enjoy it, I wasn’t really that good at it, so when this game came out, I decided to give it a try since I had an idea of how to tackle a game like this from the little experience I had from LoL.

It’s a fairly easy game to get the hang of and I think that part of the reason that it also got popular really quick is because people who have played MOBAs before are familiar with what to do and therefore can easily come up with strategies to score. When it came out, there wasn’t a place where people could find others to play with so many people made Discord servers dedicated to this feature. It was a great idea since I was able to find others to play with and communicate, which was for the most part essential as you move up the ranks.

Part of the reason why this game interested me was for the drive to make it to their highest rank which is Master. In the lower ranks, there really wasn’t need for a team or to communicate with mics but once I started reaching the higher ranks, it became really helpful. We would call out when we needed to rotate and well as any other information that would help us get the lead. With all that being said, I eventually got to Master within the first week.

It was a nice accomplishment for me, considering I was still new to MOBAs, but at the same time it’s easier to get to the highest rank here than it is to get the highest rank on other games. That being said, I kind of got burnt out of playing it because there were limited pokemons that people could use and for the most part, it would be the same 5 pokemons that everyone had to use because it was the meta at the time. The main factor for me playing the game was that goal of getting to Master, the only thing after that is trying to get the number 1 spot in the world, which involves another kind of grind that I just didn’t want to deal with. I will probably revisit the game in the future. I know that they have added new pokemons so there will be new things tho try out. I recommended this game to my friends and they seemed to enjoy it so it’s also a good game for those who have never played a MOBA before so overall, I think they did a good job at making this game.

