Game Review: Valorant

Jairo Badilla
TCNJ Game Studies and Design Fall 2021
2 min readSep 23, 2021

Valorant is a relatively new game. It has been out for a little more than a year now and has become one of the popular games to play on pc among gamers all over the world. Some people have gone as far to say that it takes on elements from both Counter Strike and Overwatch. It is a game that have made people from other games switch over and introduced many more new people as well.

The reason why Valorant stands out to me is because it was my first game that I played once I switched to pc. I grew up playing FPS games on console and never really tried FPS games on pc and this one was one that caught my eye. Playing this game has made me restructure the way I go about countering the enemy team. I’ve been used to Call of Duty games, where you can still be running and still have good accuracy when shooting at someone as well as having aim assist. On pc, aim assist is never really seen on games and with Valorant, I can’t run around and still have accurate aim. This game has a lot to do with aim compared to aim from Call of Duty’s aim and on console.

The best moments are whenever you are able to clutch a round, especially if that round wins you the game. Meaning you’re the last person alive vs multiple people and you still manage to win despite you having the disadvantage. I don’t have a specific time but it has happened a couple of times and during that small amount of time, it feels like you’re a hero because you were able to win the game for your team. Some times your team will scream, hyping you up and congratulating for winning. The way to get these chances are just by having map awareness and just having better aim through practice.

Valorant is a game that is here to stay and is still growing even with the amount of popularity it already has. The community is good in game but also great outside of it. I am glad that it was the game I started with for pc.

