Reflection #1

Jairo Badilla
TCNJ Game Studies and Design Fall 2021
2 min readSep 23, 2021

The game that I have created revolves around the topic: Plastic or Paper. When first saw this on the list, I automatically thought of a basketball/football type of game, where the player would throw either paper materials or plastic materials onto a goal. There are two goals, one labeled paper and the other labeled plastic. The player would have to turn around, away from the goals, the materials would then be mixed up behind them. Once the timer starts, the player has to turn around grab one material at a time and toss them to their respected goals as fast as possible. The goal is to try and make them all in correctly and with the shortest amount of time.

I started with a physical prototype of the game but ideally would have wanted to make it digitally. I still need to learn more about working in the software to make it digitally so I stuck to physical instead for now. I was able to play test this with a friend and myself to try and get a bit of a competition and see who would win. The way I went about this was to make the materials shaped like the paper footballs we’re used to seeing, triangular shaped. The goals were cups that would be labeled and place on the wall.

After playing, I realized that it is a fairly simple game. It also went by pretty quickly. Something that could perhaps make the game longer is include more materials. Another thing that I noticed is that this is a game that would probably be played no more than around 3 times with someone. It’s too repetitive. If I went about it digitally, I would’ve like to have the goals move around, hopefully making it a little bit more challenging. As well as if the player misses, the goals would move faster and faster, making it harder.

I think that this was a quick fun game but could definitely be worked on more. Rules are pretty easy to understand for the players. As mentioned previously, this game would’ve been better digitally since more things could’ve been applied to the game that I was not able to do physically but overall it was a successful game for how quick and simple it was.

