Reflection #1

Josh Eppolito
TCNJ Game Studies and Design Fall 2021
2 min readNov 18, 2021

For my first game I decided to make a physical game based off the prompt “In the end potatoes.” It’s a card game that can be played with two or more players. There are six different types of potato cards that the player must collect in order to win. The game starts out with the player receiving three random cards. In the middle of the table is a deck of cards and three cards next to the deck that are flipped over, this is called the potato market. Each players takes turns going around either taking a random card from the deck and discarding one from their hand, trading with another player, or taking one of the three cards that is flipped over next to the deck and discarding one into the potato market flipped over or two cards to the bottom of the deck.

When playing this with a friend I immediately noticed that the games were finishing quickly. Starting out with three in the beginning was too much since there was a high possibility that we can have three different potato cards and already be half way to winning the game. Another thing I noticed was the potato market was too powerful. Similar to the problem I just mentioned, the potato market started the game with three different potato cards resulting in me and my friend using the market for most of the game. I think if there were five or more players then the potato market would work better, but with only two it wasn’t good. In the end the game was fun to play the game although there were minor issues that made the games quick.

