Reflection #2

Alex Lubeck
TCNJ Game Studies and Design Fall 2021
2 min readOct 28, 2021

I made a card game called “Boom!”. It was more of a prototype as I used post it notes as cards. I was able to have my game play tested during class. My game was similar to war except you get 5 cards that you have to play and who ever loses the most once those cards are gone has to pick a card from the middle. There is a small chance you could pull a “boom!” card which would eliminate you. If two player both play the same card than they both have to take a middle card. During play testing I had two people play so I don’t know what it’s like with more than two yet but I have the game balanced in a way where I think it would be a little more interesting with more people. The players seemed to like the game although it probably felt a little slow. Granted that was because we were play testing the game and moving a lot slower than the game would normally be played. I think if the game was played casually the pacing would be fine. I could maybe add more “Boom!” cards but I feel it would mess with the balance of the game and make it too easy to lose especially if their are only two players. I want the game to last and not end right away. I feel like the players understood the game for the most part but I felt there was a little confusion at first but I think if they finished a game they would understand it pretty well. Writing a manual could also be a good idea. Explanation is definitely needed even if not much of it. It stood out to the players that once they played three cards the round was over if someone won all three. I’m not sure how to fix this or if it really even needs to be fixed. You won’t always lose or win a round after 3 cards and if you do you can just move on. Also when you are playing with more people some people will get second place in a round which gives more reason to play all five cards. Overall the game worked pretty well. If there was anything I’d change it would be maybe adding a few more mechanics. Maybe another mechanic that forces a player to pick a card from the middle.

