Genshin Impact Review

Colin McLearie
TCNJ IMM Game Studies 2020 Fall
3 min readDec 11, 2020

For my final game review of the semester, I decided to review the game that has been taking the most of my time throughout the last 2 and a half months that this game has been out, and that game is Genshin Impact. Ever since I got my first computer and got my first steam games, I immediately learned that I had a large love for open-world action RPG style games. This was learned from The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, and ever since I’ve always hopped on big open world fantasy-based worlds just like it. I really couldn’t get enough of it, and Genshin Impact takes a lot of what I love about those types of games and expands it into areas that I never knew I’d be interested in.

What made this game so meaningful to me at first was the fact that it looked exactly like another awesome game that I loved to play, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, only it was 100% free. It was a whole new world in the breath of the wild style. Not as big of course, but the game is only in the beginning of it’s development at the moment.

One of the biggest game mechanics that the game has is it’s magic, which is entirely elemental based. Each element has its own effects and elemental reactions to other elements. The game doesn’t just have a simple “water beats fire” kind of deal. Instead when water hits fire, or vise versa, it creates a reaction that cancels both effects and deals big damage.

The same happens with fire and ice, only with slight differences of course. These are only a couple of the elemental reactions though. There are tons of different combinations that you can test and try out to see what reactions you’d like the best!

The map is split into big regions, each one representing one of the seven elements. Right now the game only has the wind and earth regions, so it’s crazy to think about how much content the game already has when it’s only got 2 out of the 7 main areas of the game currently in it.

The only thing about the game that I don’t like is the fact that it’s actually a gacha game, so in order to get strong weapons and characters, you have to roll for them and hope you get lucky. I’m one of the people that has played nearly all of the game’s content and barely got any rare characters or weapons, but I’ve heard I’m on the unnaturally unlucky side of things because apparently it’s not as hard as it looks to get high rarities.

That being said, the game is 100% my favorite game of the year. I wasn’t kidding when I said it’s been taking up pretty much all of my time. I highly recommend this game to anyone who’s into games like Breath of the Wild or Skyrim. It’s a crazy fun time and I give it a 9.5/10.



Colin McLearie
TCNJ IMM Game Studies 2020 Fall

IMM Major at The College of New Jersey. I’m in the class of 2023 and I’m hoping to get into Game Design somewhere down the line.