Reflection #3: Adventures in Zonbar

Kyle Ackerman
TCNJ IMM Game Studies 2020 Fall
2 min readDec 10, 2020

Adventures in Zonbar(Working title, especially since the project is still just saved as Project1) is a digitally made game on RPG Maker. It is about how four high school students tell an old homeless man to not ask them for money when he asks for some in a disrespectful way and afterwards, they are teleported to his homeland of Zonbar as he feels disrespected when he is called an old fart. Chad, our main character has to find his friends and beat the old man, Zanthar the Unrelenting, and go home. I was not able to find anyone to test it, but I did show it to some people. They seemed to really like the premise of the game and the story when I showed off what I had made. As I showed it to my friends that are in to turn-based JRPGs, so they understood the rules and needed no explanation once they saw a battle happen. There’s one major bug that I don’t really know how to fix, so that happened and I had to restart the game in mid presentation, which was unexpected for me. They enjoyed seeing what I have presented them and hoped that I would make more. What stood out to them was the funny dialogue since most JRPGs don’t go for more comedic stuff with most of the text. Anything that I would change is that bug and to go back and change how certain attacks are and how much hp they do cause I think it’s very skewed towards the player because of RPG Maker, so I would have to fix that. Also expand on the world. Overall I really enjoyed making a game on RPG Maker and can’t wait to continue this game or make a new, hopefully fully fleshed out, game.

