5 Reasons Why You Need Sage In Your Office

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The Epicenter Community team is a team that believes in the power of good energy and good vibes. We also all believe in the power of sage and it’s ability to clear both physical and mental spaces. If you haven’t brought in sage to the workplace yet, you definitely need to! It can help reset and clear any negative vibrations that result from inter-workplace tensions, stress or any other problems that can arise in the office.

Sage is a woody herb that’s been used for thousands of years for its myriad of medicinal properties. It can boost mood, has been said to increase female fertility among a number of other benefits. Here are our top 5 reasons why you need sage in your office (and your life).

Sage Can Provide A Cognitive Boost

Photo by Madison Grooms on Unsplash

Research has shown that even a small amount of sage, whether imbibed or smelled, can increase memory retention and recall activity of the brain. This leads to increased levels of concentration and focus which is always a plus in the office. Sage is also currently being explored as a homeopathic treatment for Alzheimer patients because of it’s positive impact on the brain. This same study has also shown that sage can reduce irritation and anxiety in Alzheimer patients.

Sage Can Actually Reduce Aerial Bacteria Populations

Newer studies show that burning dried sage (and other herbs used for smudging) has the potential to reduce bacteria in the air up to 94%. This is essential in office spaces where people work in close quarters and can easily transfer seasonal sicknesses or bacteria. Aerial bacteria levels remain low even a day after the initial burning of sage.

Sage Just Smells….Good!

If you do your smudging of your space right, there shouldn’t be too much smoke. Sage has a woody, earthy yet clean scent that can help set the tone for your office space for the day. It’s good at deodorizing potent odors too!

Drinking Sage Can Help With Stomach Aches, Colds and More!

Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash

Sage is probably one of the most useful herbs you could keep in the office space. Not only can you burn it dried, you can use the leaves of the plant to brew teas that help aid with digestion, soothes sore throats and increases body circulation. It’s a great product to have on hand for employees as we enter into the colder months.

Smudging with Sage Releases Negative Energies and Cleanses the Space

Sage has been used across the world by ancient cultures to cleanse both the spirit and the home. If you believe in the power of energy (which we do!), you know that negative energies can become trapped in spaces and in bodies. Sometimes people can even leave residual negative vibrations. Smudging with sage is an age old way to get rid of these stagnant of negative energies to allow for light and room for other positive energies to enter.

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Transformative Culture Project
Transformative Culture Project

The Transformative Culture Project (TCP) uses arts & culture to create solutions to the most pressing challenges facing communities and the creative economy.