by MALC • April 22, 2016 • Calls to Action, DIYA, Legislation, News

First, a big thank you to everyone who contacted their State Representative last week to co-sign on to key amendments that supported artists of all disciplines, the arts, cultural and creative economy sectors. Starting on Monday, April 25th, the House will begin to debate their budget and the amendments filed for it.

1,307 amendments were filed for the House Budget!

To view all the amendments that were filed:

It is important to note that only a small fraction of those amendments will make into the final house budget.

MALC is closely following the amendments listed below in the hopes that they will be accepted into the final House budget. And, two amendments need to be rejected and we have listed them as well.

Please note that if you don’t see your State Representative’s name listed on the amendments that need to pass, you can still call them to sign on to support the amendments! Also, it is important that you ask your State Representative to oppose the two amendments we have listed. Remember to mention the amendment number (#) when engaging with your State Representative and/or their staff.

To find out who your state rep. is, click here:

Your calls and emails will matter!

Amendments MALC is supporting

(note that the links for each amendment show the list of the State Reps co-signed on to the amendment by end of the day Friday, April 15th)

Artists’ Health Care

An amendment to help long term survivors of HIV/AIDS — Lipodystrophy #579

MALC blog post on this needed amendment:

Link to the amendment:

State Arts Council — Massachusetts Cultural Council

MCC budget amendment #344

Excerpts from the MCC’s April 21st Press Release:

“A majority of the state House of Representatives has endorsed a budget amendment for the coming fiscal year that would increase arts and cultural funding through the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) to $17 million. That would represent an increase of $3 million, or 21 percent, from current funding levels.

“Close to 100 members of the House who signed onto Amendment #344 to the FY17 state budget are trying to reverse a large, proposed cut to MCC funding contained in a House Ways & Means Committee plan released last week. Co-Sponsors include legislators from communities across the state, Democrat and Republican. The full House is scheduled to begin debate on the budget Monday. After the House completes its work, the budget process moves to the Senate. The new fiscal year begins July 1.

“Leading the effort are House members of the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts & Cultural Development, chaired by Rep. Cory Atkins of Concord, and the Cultural Caucus, headed by Joint Committee Vice Chair Rep. Smitty Pignatelli of Lenox. Several House leaders have also signed on, including chairs of committees that oversee K-12 education, community development, and labor and workforce development.”

Needed Library Amendments

Board of Library Commissioners #967

Massachusetts Center for the Book #1015

State Library of Massachusetts #1020

Library of the Commonwealth/State Aid to Regional Libraries #1032

Library Technology and Resource Sharing #1078

Library Sales Tax Exemption #1101

Amendments MALC is NOT supporting

The two amendments MALC is NOT endorsing (we oppose) and don’t want to make it into the final house budget:

Film Tax Credit I Amendment #1090

Film Tax Credit II Amendment #1091

Thank you for contacting your State Representative! Your calls and emails do matter!



Transformative Culture Project
Transformative Culture Project

The Transformative Culture Project (TCP) uses arts & culture to create solutions to the most pressing challenges facing communities and the creative economy.