International Mentoring Day 2017 Was A Huge Success!

Last year, Epicenter Community came together with The Ali Center and the National Mentoring Partnership to create International Mentoring Day in conjunction with National Mentoring Month. #Mentoring is such a human and social phenomenon- it is one of the threads that ties the entirety of humanity together. No matter the culture, race, gender or class, #mentorship has always been an integral part of personal and societal growth.

This year’s International Mentoring Day was a huge success! Laila Ali joined us in our campaign this year with her #MentoringFlipped Video with MENTORnational.

Over 239k people viewed Laila’s video on Facebook!

#CultureFix had an awesome TwitterChat on #mentoring and engaged thousands of user via social media.

Between January 16th and January 18th, #MentorIRL reached:

17 Million Impressions

883 Contributors

542 Contributors on International Mentoring Day alone

In addition, Epicenter was so excited to go to the UN Youth Forum in NYC.

Our president Malia Lazu, along with Eli Wolff, Jeanie Kahnke, Brenda Jimenez and Rene John-Sandy, participated in a panel on the power of youth mentoring.

This year was a powerful reminder of what global communities can do to empower their youth through mentorship and collaboration. We can’t wait for International Mentoring Day next year!



Transformative Culture Project
Transformative Culture Project

The Transformative Culture Project (TCP) uses arts & culture to create solutions to the most pressing challenges facing communities and the creative economy.