Artists leaders and artist-run groups addressing arts issues in Massachusetts


Urgent! Please call your State Senator and State Representative Today!!

by MALC • June 13, 2016 • Calls to Action, Legislation, News

The Budget Conference Committee had their first meeting on Friday, June, 10th and they now have until the end of the month to reconcile the final House and Senate Budgets into one budget.

Please call your State Senator and State Representative TODAY to sign on to a letter to the Budget Conference Committee urgining them to fund the Mass Cultural Council (line item 0640–0300) at $15 million.

For your State Representative, ask them sign on to the letter by Representative Cory Atkins. Her staff person to contact to the sign on to the House letter is: Joanne Muti- email: phone: 617–722–2015

For your State Senator, ask them sign on to the letter by Senator Eric P. Lessor. His staff person to contact to the sign on to the Senate letter is: Stephanie Viola- email: phone: 617–722–1291

To find out who your state representative and state senator are and how to contact their offices, click here:

Background information on the Budget Conference Committee and State Budget Process:



Transformative Culture Project
Transformative Culture Project

The Transformative Culture Project (TCP) uses arts & culture to create solutions to the most pressing challenges facing communities and the creative economy.