#MCM: Anson Frazier AKA AN$ON RAPS

Anson Frazier aka AN$ON RAPS is a Boston born & bred rapper, visual artist & photographer. Just last year, he & his partners started their own music publishing company called Indystry and since then, Anson has been grinding non- stop. His art is a visual punch in the face & he uses vivid colors & mixed media materials to translate the vibrancy of life into his work. Music wise, Anson is a talented lyricist with a unique and ruthless delivery style that’s sure to take Boston by storm.

You can see all the things Anson is working on via his official Facebook page, Instagram page & Indystry’s Facebook page. Anson is currently raising money for to do an artist residency in Melbourne, Australia- you can donate to the cause here.

Who has been your most influential mentor?

I would have to say my biggest mentor has to be good ol’ father time. Time has taught me so much about myself & the world around me. It has shown me my strengths and my weaknesses and how I truly REACT to difficult situations. You have many choices in your everyday life , but how you spend your time ultimately unfolds your Destiny.

How did you get where you are today?

I got here by falling flat on my face ! Just when I had it all figured out I fell , hard. After looking around to see if anyone caught a glimpse of my fall , I got up and promised myself two things- try again and don’t be afraid to fall again.

After looking around to see if anyone caught a glimpse of my fall , I got up and promised myself two things — try again and don’t be afraid to fall again.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

My crystal ball tells me I will be in great health and possibly be running the Boston Marathon. I see many successful breakthroughs from Indystry , a music tech startup I’m building with my fellow co-founders: Taylor Diamond, Marco Marcel, Leam Thomas & Kyle Davis. I see myself painting more , I see my myself shooting a feature film alongside my creative partner, Josiah Bedrosian. I see myself inspiring the youth through my work.

I see myself inspiring the youth through my work

I see myself running back & forth from my downtown Boston home & my home in Melbourne Australia.

What about this city inspires you?

The population. 9 months out the year, Boston had some of the most brilliant technical & creative thinkers in the world. That fact only makes me think of one word- invent. Also I can finally go to NYC and brag about the Boston hip- hop scene !

Boston should be…

making its vast resources more accessible for the youth.

Boston wants to be…

exactly what it’s becoming , a collective of extrodinary people.

Boston needs…

more artists residencies & more incubators , think Inner Sanctum × 50 , or Mass Challenge × 100 !

Boston could…

be more culturally diverse



Transformative Culture Project
Transformative Culture Project

The Transformative Culture Project (TCP) uses arts & culture to create solutions to the most pressing challenges facing communities and the creative economy.