#MCM: Jeremy Colon

Jeremy Colon is a Certified personal trainer,life coach, owner of BlessedYou Clothing, and an artist manager based out of Boston, MA. On July 31st, 2013, Jeremy underwent a kidney transplant surgery where he donated his kidney to his sick father, who was on the verge of death. 3 months later, fully recovered, Jeremy Colon decided to become a personal trainer and help people achieve happiness through fitness, balance, and spirituality. You can keep up with him via his personal fitness website, website for BlessedYou Clothing, Facebook for Fitness With JC & BlessedYou Clothing, Instagram for Fitness With JC & BlessedYou Clothing and Twitter for Fitness With JC & BlessedYou Clothing.

Who has been your most influential mentor?

First and foremost I am a student of the game and I learn from everyone who is willing to share their insights and secrets with me. The most influential mentor I have had the pleasure to mentor me was Ed “EJ” Warren, who is a motivational speaker, life coach, investor, entrepreneur, and heir to Warren Insurance. EJ taught me the value of always looking at the smallest details with everything I do and not to make any decisions unless my heart, mind, and body were completely aligned with it. Every opportunity that is given to us should not be taken for granted and that we should go full force no matter what. Worry less about the consequences and end results and focus more on the experience and lessons. There are prizes along the way and we should be grateful that we are here on this earth to leave an impact!

How did you get where you are today?

For starters, I am a certified personal trainer, life coach, author, business consultant, artist manager, and kidney donor. I wouldn’t have gotten where I am today without the help of God, My family, My team, and my loved ones . Everyone has played their part in my development. Ever since I was young, I’ve always had a calling to really help people. All I ever wanted was a life of abundance for my not only me but for my family and loved ones. I got into personal training because I loved fitness and I played sports majority of my life. I took personal training, my health, and following my dreams more seriously afterJuly 31st, 2013, the day I donated my kidney to my father. That day was the driving force that opened my eyes to the possibilities that anything was possible. If I could save a life, then I can impact the world through my vision! I can’t take all the credit because I wouldn’t have gotten this far without the help of Conrad “Dj RADICAL ONE” Cid, Masio “PAPI CHAMPEAUX” Dotson, Ihab “PROPHET AKA PERCUSSION” Mohamed, Elaina Rosario, and Linda DaSilva. This is my team and I won’t stop till all of us are living out our dreams!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself winning with my team! I see myself traveling the world helping and developing rising stars make it to the top! In 5 years when I breakthrough and open my personal training and management facilities, I want to give back to the inner city kids of Boston. I want to give back to the communities and give them something they never had which are residences and connections! In 5 years I want to be the reason why people get up from their current situation and say that because of me, they followed their dreams in a city where politics and shallowness rule.

What about this city inspires you?

What inspires me is that Boston is an underdog city and everyone who is striving to be the best and follow their dreams are always underestimated. There are so many driven people who are up in the hours of the day who are working on their craft everyday that really inspire me to never give up or settle. I love the fact that Boston is filled with innovators and Trail Blazers who aren’t afraid to stand out and stand for what they believe in.

Boston should be… more open minded and willing to help those who are willing to work and grind!

Boston could be… the best there is and the best there will ever be!

Boston wants to be… heard and known!

Boston needs…More support and direction!



Transformative Culture Project
Transformative Culture Project

The Transformative Culture Project (TCP) uses arts & culture to create solutions to the most pressing challenges facing communities and the creative economy.