#MCM: Noetic J

Noetic J is an influential musical-artist who is surpassing barriers with his music that adheres to everyday life challenges, spirituality, and internal struggle. Noetic J is a musician with multiple talents with a knack and desire for wanting to positively influence others for a better lifestyle and mindset. He provides his audience with a blend of mundane metaphors & similes all the while implementing lines of self-belief, confidence, & motivation to find a striking balance between lessons of enlightenment from his path & the pleasures & conflictions of lower chakra build-ups. Although not always portrayed in his music, Noetic J’s lifestyle consist of a vegan approach that includes Superfoods such as Cacao, Acai, Goji Berries, Moringa Leaf, Maca, & Bee Pollen amongst other powerful medicinal herbs. He preaches & believes that you are what you eat & that by changing your diet that consists of nutritionally & minerally dense-foods you are not only changing how you FEEL physically, but how you THINK mentally all the while detoxing your mind, body, & soul.

This is quite the unique approach for an artist in the Hip-Hop & Rap industry plagued with unconsciousness listeners & in need of healing. Through his up-rise in music he wants to open up a Metaphysical & Holistic way of living as well as attract fans to his 2nd YouTube Channel entitled “Noetiquette(s)”. It is through this channel Noetic J wants to educate his listeners via Metaphysical topics (crystals, their specific healing properties, how to clean them & work with them), Holistic Health (Super Foods, Vegan foods, toxic ingredients in processed foods), Chakras (energy points in the body) & cleansing methods to keep one’s thoughts & intents true to self and cleansed from negativities. It is through the live performances where individuals will be able to experience firsthand the power of healing. This, is New Wave Hip-Hop.

Who has been your most influential mentor?

I would have to say that my most influential mentor has been life. I say this because without the experiences I have gone through, I wouldn’t be where I am now internally. Internal growth is key to expand one’s mind & remain open to the synchronicities that life puts in plain view. Most individuals miss it because they are simply just not paying attention. By understanding the lessons behind my experiences, I have come to understand that abundance comes from within, not by one’s external possessions. The more confident & loving one is with self, the more abundance one can share externally.

How did you get where you are today?

I got where I am today due to my ambition & optimism towards life. I truly believe that hard work pays off when you are doing what you love. There is a quote that goes; “Jack of all trades master of none.” I don’t believe that. I believe; “Jack of all trades CONFINED by none.” Perception is reality. Change your perception towards the way you view life & watch it unfold in ways once considered unimaginable.

Change your perception towards the way you view life & watch it unfold in ways once considered unimaginable.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

As I continue to progress from a spiritual standpoint (internally) & from a holistic standpoint (promoting veganism & herbs for sustainable healthy-lifestyles), I see myself making an impact on a global-scale through my musical abilities (as a musician, producer, & audio-engineer) by infusing that with my metaphysical experiences to promote self-love & self-empowerment. Music is the universal language & can be a powerful tool for uniting our race collectively. I also see myself being of service from a humanitarian standpoint. I would love to develop a sustainable Aquaponics system for impoverish communities that will teach our younger generations how to grow organic foods & how important it is to incorporate this into our diets not only for our own well-beings but for the environment as it can drastically help reduce pollution, toxic waste, & improve the living conditions for nearby ecosystems.

What about this city inspires you?

What inspires me the most about Boston is its potential. Boston is a very historic city full of esoteric history. From its earliest days, it has been home to immigrants, including Syrians (whom our president now sees as “terrorists”) starting in the 1890s as it was home to one of the first major Syrian communities. It is imperative that we understand that we NEED each other to thrive as a collective. This inspires me to be a musician that can invoke emotion within one’s core being. I want to unite our diversified communities & show that we too can create our own history, pushing forward for a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly future that includes all types of art. Through using the knowledge (intellect) that I continually am absorbing & connecting that with my heart (wisdom) I believe that this city inspires me to be an authentic trend-setter. One that isn’t perceived as the “newest fad”. I want it to be perceived as one of authentic nurturance that I feel our communities & music deserve.

Boston should be… warm-hearted.
Boston could be… original.
Boston wants to be…united as a collective. Boston needs…authenticity from the soul

Hear Noetic J’s Newest Project Below



Transformative Culture Project
Transformative Culture Project

The Transformative Culture Project (TCP) uses arts & culture to create solutions to the most pressing challenges facing communities and the creative economy.