#WCW: Farrah Evita

Farrah Evita is MA born and based writer, actress, model and organizer! She’s constantly on the creative scene and uses her many talents to organize and facilitate conversation and relationships and to bring art to the forefront in Boston. Farrah Evita is submerged in her writing, hosting events, spreading knowledge and positivity through her social media outlets as well as acting her way through her quarter-life journeys. Follow her via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

Farrah will also be co-hosting A Live Arts Event: BODY DECOR at Liquid Art House on November 19th- more information here!

Who has been your most influential mentor?

A few years back, I started to delve into wanting to build a brand of myself and it was entirely inspired by entrepreneur, philanthropist and media maven Karen Civil. She created a fundraiser in Pétionville, Haiti called LiveCivil playground for the community. She is extremely inspiring to look up to for someone like me and my future goals. I have followed her progress through many avenues to get to where to where she pictured herself today. I would suggest anyone to look her up and research her backdrop!

Photo Credit: Francesca Smith

How did you get where you are today?

Well, I knew I wanted to brand myself in a way that it could tie together film, music, fashion, technology and journalism but more in the communication field. Unfortunately, I did not attend a college that specifically focused on communication. What I did instead was create a website with my best friend back in 2009 called Pastelledaze. We weren’t too savvy on marketing it but I acquired a lot of vital information on how to manage a website as well as content control. Next up, I interned at for a few fashion boutiques and start-up companies for a few years and also had a great opportunity to write for an LA-based digital magazine in 2011 called TOAN Magazine. I did this for a couple of years and found myself writing for two other digital websites in Boston. While I was writing, I also interned at a news station in Arlington, Massachusetts and took some film and acting courses. I became enamored with the idea of becoming a media maven and that’s why I looked up to the likes of Karen Civil and even Va$htie.

In the midst of all of these internships and finding my way through life, I also became more involved with the community as I majored in Sociology, Psychology and Communication studies. I became more vocal on my views and applied my knowledge whenever I could, whether it is in my current writing, in person or social media posts. Right now, I am working on honing in on all of these skills I have acquired to make room for change in my life as well as for the marginalized communities. You can find some of my current writing on https://medium.com/@farrahevita.

Photo Credit: Jourdan Christopher

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself owning a brand tailored to loving yourself and the arts. I also aspire to have a film organization that assists people in finding themselves, especially people that have felt and seen mental and physical abuse in their past. With these platforms, I could potentially be able to create stories through my writing and visuals that many can relate to.

What about this city inspires you?

Boston’s artists inspire me everyday! The more they emerge, the more change and love I see throughout this city! I love the approach we have been taking lately with giving artists more autonomy and spaces to create and perform in!

Boston should be…Creatively stimulating

Boston could be…Communally involved

Boston wants to be…Innovative with change and the arts

Boston needs…More diversity at times and less conservatism

Don’t miss Farrah at the Live Arts BODY DECOR Event on November 19th! Flyer below!



Transformative Culture Project
Transformative Culture Project

The Transformative Culture Project (TCP) uses arts & culture to create solutions to the most pressing challenges facing communities and the creative economy.