Road to Kickstarter Episode #1 — Why would you do THAT?

Tommaso De Benetti
On Crowdfunding


The Imperial city of Telesketha

A couple of my articles have been read on repeat by a small but persistent niche of people. These articles (find them HERE and HERE) document the pre- and post- Kickstarter campaign process for a couple of tabletop RPG books I funded in 2017.

Somewhere in between, I also wrote other articles covering the practicalities of the month before a crowdfunding campaign — those also are still read years after publication (the series starts HERE, but it’s in Italian only, sorry).

I’ve decided that me and my team will fund a new tabletop RPG project on Kickstarter. Finding practical explanations of the whole reasoning behind a campaign is rare — so what the hell, I’ll tell you ours. Over the next few months, I’ll go into as much detail as possible to explain why we are doing what we’re doing, how, and how many times we changed our minds on the way to Day 1. Buckle up, this is gonna be interesting.

What’s this game you’re trying to fund?

First of all, this time, I’m not the author — my indie RPG label, The World Anvil Publishing (not to be confused with the online worldbuilding platform, World Anvil) has commissioned, produced, and marketed the game. All the real work was done by Alberto Tronchi and Daniel Comerci from Black Box Games, which are collaborating…



Tommaso De Benetti
On Crowdfunding

Short, dark and Italian: an espresso. Sometime I have things to say. Follow here or on Twitter @tdebenetti, @writingbold or @theworldanvil