TDeFi announces incubation of Uno.Farm

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3 min readApr 1, 2022

TDeFi is thrilled to announce the onboarding of Uno.Farm, a yield aggregation dApp in the DeFi space, in our incubation program. Yield aggregation seems to be the reasonable solution to find the best yield generating liquidity pool across hundreds of DeFi protocols currently existing in the ecosystem. A user in the perusal of finding the best yield generating pool and maximizing profit has to shift funds between various DeFi platforms. This is where a yield aggregator helps the user to navigate across the DeFi protocols for the best returns (yields on investments).

About Uno.Farm

Uno.Farm is one of the unique cross-chain yield aggregators that aims to provide auto farming solutions for DeFi users. With transparent auto-compounding strategies, users can easily participate in the best yield farming opportunities while eliminating the hassle of shifting funds between different pools.

Along with auto-compounding, the platform also offers user-centric features including personal profit analysis wherein users can get analytics on their respective portfolios. The platform comes with an intelligent portfolio management system wherein users will be entitled to automatic switching between the same pairs in different pools for the highest yield. The team plans to go multi-chain so as to automatically bridge the liquidity across the chains to access the best yield providing pools for its users.

Uno.Farm will be launching on Polygon which will be followed by Fantom, Metis, BSC, Solana, Ethereum, Optimism, and Arbitrium. Polygon will allow for instant, cost-effective movement of funds across pools while minimizing the loss in profits as fees.

The team at Uno.Farm also plans to have a fiat currency gateway on the platform that would allow its users to transact fiat deposits and withdrawals. This has the potential to provide a more scalable solution to the traditional finance industry to directly engage with DeFi offering. In case of any protocol failure, an insurance mechanism will have placed for the recovery of the lost amount.

Overall, yield aggregators are gathering traction among DeFi users while doing the herculean task of finding the best yield generation pools with less time consumed. Uno.Farm as a yield aggregator with additional unique offerings on top of it certainly has the potential to serve millions of DeFi users to compound their yields.

About TDeFi

TDeFi is an Incubator and a lifetime advisory firm for Crypto startups. The TDeFi team strives to bring the best methodologies and practices so that the projects in our portfolio can harness the power of industry connections and a slew of services aimed at growth and sustenance. Our objective lies in helping the end investor and user to seek returns invaluable startups rather than finding value in vague and underdeveloped projects. TDeFi and its partner fund TD.VC has incubated and invested in over 40+ crypto projects that comprise VulcanForged, Biconomy, Chingari, and many more. By advising and mentoring these startups, we intend to establish a world of sustainable and high-performance ecosystems driven by decentralization at the heart.



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