How Next-Gen Solutions Accelerate Digital Transformation in Various Industries

TD SYNNEX High-Growth
Published in
4 min readJun 23, 2022
Photo by Reto Scheiwiller on Pixabay.

According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), digital transformation investment rates are accelerating, and we can expect to see investment levels reach $6.3 trillion from 2022 to 2024.

Companies or industries that delay in adopting the digital transformation framework as a means of engaging with customers and doing business may also run the risk of lagging behind competitors already at the forefront of adopting these savvy practices.

To gather more information, we spoke with Lisa McGarvey, director of vertical markets and solution development at TD SYNNEX, to gain an enhanced perspective on next-gen solutions and how the innovative technologies deliver lasting impacts in various vertical markets.

Tangible Next-Gen Results in Vertical Markets

TD SYNNEX supports many different verticals, from healthcare to public sector to retail and manufacturing. When we take a closer look at these markets with a birds-eye view across the IT industry — you’ll notice accelerated levels of digital transformation. This is in part due to the global pandemic creating a more urgent need to stay relevant and competitive in today’s market.

Day-to-day tasks are becoming increasingly automated to provide real-time responses, reduce costs and enhance the customer experience. Digitizing these tasks through edge AI computing strategies plays a key role in driving this innovative automation. Businesses are expanding their budgets to enable growth and foster the creation of new business models to optimize efficiency, business productivity and ultimately support resilient, long-term digital transformation strategies.

For instance, healthcare providers leverage solutions to support remote healthcare delivery and patient access to engagement tools. Technologies such as smart cameras and devices are optimized to accurately monitor operations and data from various locations. With this optimized form of technology, hospitals and clinics are capable of providing remote nursing, telesitting and fall detection solutions to minimize adverse events, address caregiver shortages and lower overall costs.

Recent policy changes during the COVID-19 pandemic have reduced barriers to telehealth and remote patient monitoring (RPM), while promoting the use of telehealth as a way to deliver acute, chronic, primary and specialty care. By leveraging the medical data collected from medical devices, sensors, implant devices and wearables, a patient’s well-being can be monitored in real-time between home, hospital and beyond, all while remaining Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant and focusing on maintaining privacy.

Organizational decisions are prioritizing the expansion of digital transformation strategies, or Internet of Things (IoT) investments, with operational efficiency as the primary driver behind this decision. The expected outcome is an elevated customer experience. Whether it’s the healthcare or retail vertical, technology solutions are catered to fulfill unique industry-specific needs to ensure efficiency and keep pace with customer demands.

Gain a Competitive Advantage by Embracing a New Era of Technology

Digital-first strategies are laying the foundation for future business success. We realize many of our channel partners are figuring out where to start and determining the most beneficial ways to serve their customers, and that’s where our team of experts comes in: to help build that vision for supporting digital transformation initiatives and understand the possibilities these advanced technologies can unlock for their business.

Solutions aggregation is a core focus area for TD SYNNEX, and integral to our digital transformation strategy as we continue to see changing customer behaviors and the new ways technology is acquired and consumed. Our market-ready, repeatable and scalable end-to-end IoT solutions support everything from the edge to the data center to the cloud and our cloud-based Click-to-Run™ solutions focus on enhancing business outcomes for all our partners — regardless of industry.

Here are some of the top ways our Solutions take your business to the next level:

  • Accelerate Digital Transformation Outcomes — Jump-start a new approach to the market while capturing new revenue opportunities and delivering repeatable, scalable solutions faster.
  • Reduce Costs — Solve customer business challenges with ease when leveraging our affordable and pay-as-you-go model all while expanding your portfolio of offerings.
  • Increase Speed and Efficiency — Deliver innovative, streamlined cloud-based solutions in minutes, as opposed to spending hours or days on a lengthy and complex deployment.

Our TD SYNNEX ecosystem supporting next-gen technologies has a bit of everything. From technical assistance, vertical expertise and practice builders to consulting, we offer support tailored to enhance your business digital transformation journey.

Ready to dive in and learn more? Explore opportunities to accelerate your digital transformation outcomes with the TD SYNNEX Solutions Factory and our IoT Solutions.


MIT Management: Digital transformation after the pandemic

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