Redefining the Future in an AI- and ML-Driven World



In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are not just enablers but core drivers of business, TD SYNNEX stands at the forefront of this transformative wave, integrating these technologies into its business operations and planning. Simon Leung, the Chief Business Officer, oversees critical back-office functions that are pivotal for the company’s adaptability in the IT market.

From corporate communications to business continuity, enterprise risk management to mergers and acquisitions, Leung’s role is instrumental in steering the company in an AI/ML world. His insights, supported by the findings of the newly-released the Direction of Technology (DoT) Report, are guiding TD SYNNEX as the company leverages these technologies and leads the way for its partners and the IT ecosystem.

The Direction of Technology Report (DoT) shows the importance of being proactive and strategic in leveraging AI for customer growth while being mindful of its potential pitfalls.

“Our advantage lies in understanding the strategic dialogue between vendors and resellers and facilitating this exchange. The report brings to light our distinctive role in providing more than just distribution services but also invaluable strategic insights,” said Leung.

The benefits of dissecting the DoT

For coworkers, the Direction of Technology Report is a ‘treasure trove of insights’. For those yet to delve into the report, Leung emphasizes its value in understanding industry trends and TD SYNNEX’s differentiated approach to IT distribution.

“That’s exactly what this report offers. It’s particularly specific to our industry, unlike many other reports that only offer general snippets. This one is at the heart of IT distribution. That’s why it’s so essential to delve into this report — it’s packed with really valuable information.”

He encourages everyone within the network to engage with the report, stating it is critical to not just keep pace but to be ahead in the industry’s rapid evolution.

“It provides a broad overview of the industry and its direction. If you’re caught up in day-to-day tasks, just pushing paper, you might miss what’s happening and what’s coming up in the next week, month, or year. This is where the business and the industry are moving towards, and you don’t want to be left behind.

Leung’s insights on the DoT reveal three key strategic areas where TD SYNNEX is making significant strides for Machine Learning and AI.

Leung’s AI & ML Key Strategic Insights include:

1. Growth in AI and ML Solutions

The DoT report emphasized the exponential growth in partners offering AI/ML solutions surge from 4% to 29% in just a year.

“This shift is not just incremental growth; it’s a fundamental paradigm shift,” Leung emphasizes. “It signifies AI and ML’s transition from niche specialties to mainstream necessities, marking their transformative impact on business innovation and efficiency.”

The Future of AI: Optimism and Caution

Practical AI applications are already in place, such as transcribing meetings and extracting action items, showcasing its day-to-day benefits. “It’s able to pull out key items based on a query that you put on there. So, you can put in something like ‘what were the action items for this meeting,’ and in bullet point format, it will list the action items you have.”

Yet, Leung emphasizes that the scope of AI use is only limited by creativity.

“The biggest part is not being afraid of AI. Play around with it, see what works, what doesn’t, because we still need that human element as part of using this technology,” says Leung.

2. Human-Centric Approach

Looking towards the future, Leung believes the company is not only anticipating a wider integration of AI in business solutions but also remains vigilant about the ethical use of AI.

“I think that we’re probably looking at it in a couple of different ways. The first way is how we can leverage it to actually help our customers build their business, but the other half is…how it can be abused, and that’s something we should really pay attention to.”

Despite the technological advancements, TD SYNNEX emphasizes the irreplaceable value of the human element in AI integration.

“In our journey through AI advancements, we never lose sight of the human element. It’s the synergy between human ingenuity and AI’s capabilities that truly drives innovation at TD SYNNEX.”

3. Internal and External AI Initiatives

Leung revealed the company is actively incorporating AI internally, led by CIO Bonnie Smith, and is aligning with leading-edge AI vendors, a process steered by Chief Strategy Officer Sergio Farache and his team. “This approach ensures we’re efficient operationally and competitive in the market,” he explains.

Talent Development

TD SYNNEX prioritizes workforce readiness for the AI-empowered workplace through initiatives like AI training badges.

“Our AI training badges are more than just educational tools; they are bridges to the future. They equip our employees with a spectrum of AI skills, ensuring TD SYNNEX’s talent pool is robust, adaptable, and future-ready.”

Leung’s insights, combined with the DoT report, clearly demonstrate TD SYNNEX’s commitment to leading the charge in the AI and ML landscape. They reflect a company deeply rooted in innovation and strategically prepared for the technological advancements reshaping the industry.

Discover the future of IT distribution and how AI and ML are reshaping our industry. Download the Direction of Technology Report and join TD SYNNEX in driving innovation and excellence in the AI and ML world.

