ATD Conference Checker App

Flavio Silva
TDx: Technology & Design
5 min readApr 6, 2015


The creation of this app started with a simple question: would adding a letter to our badges to denote if an attendee is a professional member, plus member or non-member help us serve customers better? This information could help us drive the conversation and ask how well we've been serving them.

At first, we thought that it was too late to make such change to the physical badge layout. No problem, I thought. As a big fan of rapid-prototyping, I decided to make an app that would address this need — plus much more. A weekend passed, and I was able to achieve all the goals I had set for this app.

The Conference Checker App main goals:

  1. Allow staff to know if someone is a member or not.
  2. Allow staff to know when someone’s membership is expiring. This opens the door for trying to get them engaged about their upcoming renewal.
  3. Allow staff to easily ‘forward’ a customer’s information to another team member. This is common at the conference since many team members schedule meetings and other activities with attendees.
  4. Allow staff to create a Single-Sign-On account for a customer.
  5. Allow staff to send a renewal reminder to a customer. This will be email, with details about their open orders and instructions on how to pay for them online.
  6. Allow staff to direct customers to the correct meeting rooms for the programs they’re attending.

ATD conference badges have a QR code front and center. So that’s where I started.

The App itself is dead simple. In the first screen, you can launch the QR code scanner. On the second screen you’ll see the customer’s information and all related actions you can perform.

QR Code Launch Screen :

QR Code launcher screen

The idea behind this screen is simple. Provide an intuitive interface to launch the QR Code Scanner. Nothing else.

Details Screen:

Once scanned, the Staff member will be presented with this screen.

Here, there are three main sections.

Customer Information
Lists the customer’s contact information such as email, mobile phone and name.

Membership Information
Shows the membership level, end date, and engagement points of the given customer.

Conference Order
This section will list all events under the primary conference as well as additional events happening on that facility, such as education programs. The location will show what room the customer needs to be in, answering a very common question asked to staff during the event. “I’m registered for the Training Certificate. What room do I need to be in?”. This section also lists other important information such as their order number, rate structure, rate code and price paid.

Now I’d like to direct your attention to the three main actions you can take on this screen.
The button on the top navigation bar is a forward link. Tapping on it will populate all information into an email message that can be sent to another team member that may be able to assist this customer better than you can.

Sample email forward feature

As you can see, you are free to append some custom message to the body as well as decide your subject and To: Addresses.

An example usage:
Hi John, this customer has a meeting with you tomorrow and wanted to confirm location and time.

All the necessary information to contact the customer should be included in this email: their email address, mobile phone — if provided — and correctly spelled name. No more running around back to laptops with a business card on hand or handwritten piece of paper!

Now, I’d like to call your attention to the two orange buttons on the bottom toolbar of the detail screen. You may have noticed that on my example these two buttons are orange. That means they’re active.

Toolbar buttons, highlighted

The button on the left means that the customer does not currently have a Single Sign On account. Easy! You can create one for them now by simply tapping the lock icon. They’ll receive a welcome message on their email address.

The button on the right (reminder icon) tells you that this specific customer has one or more open Proforma orders with us. So what a great opportunity to tell them that! You can offer to send them a reminder email by tapping the clock icon.

This newly created reminder email will list all open orders the customer has with us as well as include instructions on how to pay for them online (My Account, Open Orders). Language for this email is yet to be created.

Sample renewal reminder

As you can see in the span of a few days we were able to address many needs that a staff member can run into while serving our members and customers during an event. By making this whole process easier, we can dedicate even more time to make the attendee’s experience even better.

Needless to say — this is a staff-only application (and will never be available in any AppStore of any kind). Deployment is done through an Enterprise iOS Program, only to pre-approved devices.

Made with ❤ by @flaviotsf.

