Photo credit: Got Credit

Quick Payment

TDx: Technology & Design
4 min readOct 19, 2015


Have you ever received a payment request, when you are in the middle of something, just to have to go through a ton of steps to get it done?

Are you not comfortable saying your credit card number, out loud, over the phone?

Have you received a renewal notice without having access to your corporate credit card, having to hunt someone down?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, we’ve build the ATD Quick Payment portal thinking of you.

When you receive a renewal email, you will simply click a link and land on a page that looks like this:

With one click, you can review your order and apply payment to it.

If you’re a member, we will show you your current member benefit usage. We hope you’ll remember the great books and TD at Work issues you got for free by being an ATD national member. You’ll also know what benefits you have left, so you can ensure to claim them.

We have also made the payment window as simple as we could:
> Your credit card type is automatically detected. No need for unnecessary drop-down menus.
> We’re also using Luhn validation to ensure you know when you missed a number (see the green check mark, when the card enter passes initial validation).
> You can type your expiration date just like it’s displayed on your card. Why make you pick a month and year from a drop-down menu?
> Our Pay button shows you clearly the amount you’ll be charged.

Close-up of payment form

Now, I would like to draw your attention to the link on the bottom of the payment form.

Don’t have access to the corporate credit card? No problem!

You will now be able to forward a payment request to someone else in your company. Just provide us their contact information, along with a message.

Forwarding a payment request

ATD will immediately get in contact with the contact responsible for payment by email:

Email message to contact responsible for payment

When the payment portal is launched, the contact responsible for payment will see a page similar to the one shown below. Notice the names reflect the forwarding request.

Payment Forwarding

Once payment is made, you will see an order confirmation, as shown below.

Order confirmation

A link to download an official letterhead invoice, in PDF format, is provided. You can download it and use it for your expense reports or personal records.

PDF invoice, ready for expense reports or personal records

With these improvements, we hope to make payment an easy and stress-free experience.

The Payment Portal can also be used by customers who call our Customer Care department, but would appreciate not saying their credit card out loud over the phone. Our customer service representatives will be able to generate a “Quick Pay Code”. Customers can simply enter their payment information for the order they’ve just placed over the phone.

Entering a “Quick Pay Code”, for an order placed over the phone

We plan to expand the portal to corporate customers, while adding payment options such as Purchase Orders (PO’s) and e-checks.

Another future phase may include the ability to renew products that were placed in different orders, as if they all belonged to the same purchase.

In summary, the ATD Quick Payment Portal allows to:
> Pay for your open orders, including membership renewals, in less than a minute.
> Forward a payment request to someone in your organization.
> Place an order over the phone while entering the payment details within the privacy of your own computer.

I’m Flavio Silva, Director of TDx, at the Association for Talent Development. If you have any questions, ideas, or feedback please reach out.

