Can Tho City implements TE-FOOD to contol the African Swine Fever Epidemic

Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2019

Can Tho, the fourth biggest city in Vietnam, and one of the most important centers of the Mekong Delta region.

The local government decided to implement TE-FOOD’s blockchain based farm-to-table food traceability system for pigs, as well as the Livestock Management and Epidemic Control modules.

All farms will be required to use TE-FOOD’s B2B mobile app to

  • registrate themselves,
  • send regular reports about their livestock status
  • report illnesses
  • log events about their transported pigs
  • apply for transportation permission in case of certain animal movements
  • learn educational materials to recognize symptoms of ASF (African Swine Fever)

The system will help the government to collect real time information about the region’s livestock status and the spread of ASF. By involving state veterinaries, the process of investigating illness reports, and ordering culling can be much quicker, which can mitigate the spread of the disease.

As part of the TE-FOOD Charity Program, our intention is to help agricultural communities during these challenging times. We are proud that the TE-FOOD Charity Program is becoming one of the most important blockchain initiatives for helping communities with new technology.

The program has been launched in Can Tho with a series of training sessions in front of hundreds of farmers, authority representatives, and veterinaries from the region.

TE-FOOD is the world’s largest publicly accessible, farm-to-table food traceability solution. Started in 2016, it serves 6000+ business customers, and handles 400,000 business transactions each day.


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TE-FOOD is the world’s largest publicly accessible, blockchain based farm-to-table food traceability system.