TE-FOOD brings farms to a new level with deep data analysis based production improvements

Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2018

TE-FOOD announces a new extension for small and medium size farms, which enables them to operate more efficiently, and getting more profitable by making scientific deep data analysis accessible and understandable.

Problems to solve

To be successful in the food industry, a solution provider has to address the obstacles which prevent the adoption of digital solutions.

The basic problem of food traceability, that most of the costs occur at the upstream supply chain (farms), while most of the benefits occur at the downstream supply chain (food producers, retailers).

Currently the agricultural operation is mostly based on experience and anticipation, which makes it uncertain and prone to mistakes.

TE-FOOD solution

The Deep Analysis Extension of TE-FOOD can decrease costs, improve the profitability, and make production predictable by introducing deep data analysis based decision making.

This type of solution was formerly used only in large, modern farms owned by international conglomerates. The decisions they made according to such analyzes enabled them to operate more efficiently. Making this knowledge available for small and medium size farms will make a breakthrough in farming productivity and profitability.

The Extension shows the farmers which factors help, and which hinder them to reach better averages, higher quality, and improved profitability. unlike most farm management system, TE-FOOD’s extension doesn’t work with sophisticated diagrams, because understanding them, and making decisions according to them is too big challenge for most farmers. TE-FOOD will provide suggestions in plain, practical sentences, customized by the quantities of the specific farm. The task of the farmers is simply to follow the instructions for the specific farms/lots/rotation groups.

Following the instructions given by the application, farms can achieve more than 10–15% income improvement within 12 months by decreasing costs, and improving production.

Our food experts have been working on the solution for 7 months, and currently, we are working on the final tests. The Deep Analysis Extension will be integrated into the TE-FOOD B2B mobile app in June, 2018.

TE-FOOD is the world’s largest farm-to-table food traceability solution. Started in 2016, it serves 6000+ business customers, and handles 400,000 business transactions each day.

Website: www.te-food.com

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TE-FOOD is the world’s largest publicly accessible, blockchain based farm-to-table food traceability system.