TE-FOOD’s Strategy for Q2, 2018

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3 min readMar 28, 2018

Recently we shared what we achieved during the first month of post-ICO era. Now we would like to share what is our strategy for the next 3 months.

Existing market

There are many business directions to go in Vietnam:

  • Rolling out of pig, chicken and eggs traceability in Dong Nai and Ca Mau provinces.
  • Extending the pig traceability with several new data types, which need to be embedded in the processes of different roles.
  • Implementing and training of the National Livestock Management System for veterinaries and farmers.
  • Developing new modules for the National Livestock Management System. Originally these developments were planned for Q3 2018, but our food experts are so motivated, and the authority is so excited about it, we gave higher priority to this development. We will write a separate blog post about it soon.
  • Organizing the details regarding the TE-FOOD Marketplace, where food producers and retailers will be able to contract directly with different suppliers (farms, slaughterhouses). This is planned for Q4 2018, but it needs a lot of meetings to lay out the conditions of the system.

Our strategy regarding Vietnam is pretty straightforward. We try to grow in the area of use for the existing food types, and implement the new food types as soon as possible to reach new customers. Currently, the National Livestock Management System is the best application which enables us to reach 10 times more potential customers, and try to acquire them.

Partners, customers

There are two types of partnerships we are seeking for:

Lobby, sales and implementation partners

We wrote several times: In the field of supply chain solutions, and especially on emerging markets, implementation methodology is much more important than the technology. Developing something in an office environment is totally different than applying it in the real world. That’s why we think it’s almost impossible to develop such complex solution without existing business customers/partners involved.

With a ready and tested product, the bottleneck of growth is the sales and implementation resource. As we wrote in the White Paper’s Business Plan chapters, the sales cycle of Governmental Implementations is long. That’s why we are looking for many potential partners on our target markets which are established companies with valuable connections in the local food supply chain, national or local government bodies, and competence / capacity to undertake the implementation tasks with our guideance.

We will start the sales cycle in as many markets as we can, and focus the efforts on the most promising ones.

Cooperation partners

We are also looking for cooperation with partners to develop common solutions for specific use cases. These are either providers of existing solutions, where food traceability can be an added value, or professionals working in specific supply chains who enable us to reach new target markets.

In both cases, the goal is to provide common solutions for specific use cases, which can open new niche market segments for TE-FOOD.


As we seek for opportunities to instantly implement new elements from our roadmap in real life use cases, there can be modifications in the priority of these elements. Last year it seemed that cattle tracking will be the most important food type extension in 2018. Now it seems fruits and vegetables got higher priority. Our professionals are visiting farms and wholesalers to learn the processes and model them according to TE-FOOD’s logic.

Our priority was and will be to implement the solutions as soon as possible, because any possible problems of the processes come to light when we try to implement them in real use.


Currently, the most important goal of our marketing is to be present on the most important events where supply chain companies and governmental decision makers attend. As food traceability and blockchain technology both gain a momentum nowadays, more and more companies and governments start to look for solutions. Our goal is to spread the word about TE-FOOD, a ready, well tested, and affordable solution.

Beside events, we will share our goals and achievements with food related news channels to get more exposure.

TE-FOOD is the world’s largest farm-to-table food traceability solution. Started in 2016, it serves 6000+ business customers, and handles 400,000 business transactions each day.

Website: www.te-food.com

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TE-FOOD is the world’s largest publicly accessible, blockchain based farm-to-table food traceability system.