TrustOne is launched to enable organizations to mitigate the effects of epidemics

Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2020

In June, 2020, GE Aviation and TE-FOOD announced to cooperate in providing assistance for aviation companies to improve passenger trust, and prepare for the second wave of COVID-19.

Now, a new biosecurity product, TrustOne is launched with the goal to enable organizations to automatize medical screening of their employees, guests, and passengers to mitigate the effects of COVID-19.

TrustOne has three major use cases:

Employee control

Since the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic, workplaces often became outbreak hotspots. On-site infections have healthcare, financial, and legal threats which limits companies in optimizing their resources. TrustOne enables corporations to manage the screening of their employees efficiently in order to control and monitor health compliance.

By a combination of sample testing, health status surveys, and temperature checkings, employers can act quickly and automatically in case of an employee gets the virus.

The potential customers of this use case are:

  • Offices
  • Factories, plants
  • Sporting events
  • Transportation companies
  • Travel and leisure companies

Passenger, guest control

The COVID-19 pandemic hit the travel and leisure industry hard. Cruise ships are stranded at ports, airlines and hotels work with 20–40% occupancy, festivals and concerts are suspended, sporting events are held without visitors. The world changed in a way no one had imagined.

While governments regularly change healthcare protocols according to the case numbers, the travel and leisure industry tries to be compliant, and stay alive at the same time.

TrustOne enables them to manage and monitor the screening of their passengers / guests efficiently. They can set what kind of testing they accept (sample tests, self-screening, temperature checks, or a combination of these), and control passenger / guest compliance at the entry.

The potential customers of this use case are:

  • Hotels
  • Cruise lines
  • Sporting events
  • Transportation companies
  • Travel and leisure companies

Physical object biosecurity control

According to industry surveys, the majority of travellers are worrying to touch surfaces in fear of contamination. As various surfaces (e.g. security check trays on airports, lavatories, etc.) in public spaces are touched by hundreds of people each day, intensive cleaning and disinfection became an important factor of re-gaining trust of travellers.

TrustOne provides the tools for companies to improve guest trust by providing transparent cleaning / disinfecting information.

Companies can register and applicate digital identities (in the form of QR codes) on their physical objects (e.g. airplane cabins, lavatories, galleys, lounges, elevators, vehicle indoors, etc.), and register their cleaning events in a fast and efficient way. Consumers can scan these QR codes and view, as well as rate cleaning events.

The potential customers of this use case are:

  • Hotels
  • Airports
  • Transportation companies
  • Hospitality companies

To build TrustOne, TE-FOOD was able to rely on its food traceability experience, as all these use case require tracking and tracing different objects (e.g. test samples, objects) by registering and processing various events in relation to the object.

Today, it seems that the Coronavirus will be a longer threat than most people expected. As many healthcare professionals expect that flu season might bring a new wave of COVID-19 outbreak in late autumn, we believe that TrustOne can help organizations to control the pandemic efficiently.

TE-FOOD is the world’s largest publicly accessible, farm-to-table food traceability solution. Started in 2016, it serves 6000+ business customers, and handles 400,000 business transactions each day.




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TE-FOOD is the world’s largest publicly accessible, blockchain based farm-to-table food traceability system.