An Introvert in an Extroverted World

Irma Laliashvili
Tea Time With Irma
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2021


Opinion: How to be yourself and don’t give a care what others say about you...

I can’t tell you how many times people have tolled me that I’m too shy, too conservative, too sensitive, too dramatic, too scared of everything, too skinny, too fat, too this, too that… that according to them, I sometimes come off as “cold” or have an “attitude,” when in fact, needless to say, I am not at all a cold person nor do I have an attitude. People who know me on a personal level know that I’m just an introvert, a quiet person by nature who enjoys listening more than speaking. I’m quite friendly and outgoing, once you get to know me better.

With that being said, in our lifetime, people are going to constantly judge us, judge our EVERY move. Bring us down. Tell us to be and act a certain way. That’s life. Don’t let what they will say define who you really are. Trust me, I’ve learned this the hard way:

In any situation, always BE YOURSELF! Don’t try to be someone you are not. People will always think and talk negatively about other people. Who cares what they might think or say about you! I honestly, stopped caring along time ago. And you should too!

You’re an introvert who’s shy and quiet- that’s cool. You’re an extrovert- that’s cool. You are both an introvert and an extrovert- that’s cool. You’re an extrovert who’s loud, obnoxious and a little bit crazy- hey, that’s cool too.

You be you, ladies! You are perfect just the way you are! And never let nobody tell you otherwise!



Irma Laliashvili
Tea Time With Irma

Journalist and writer. Covering fashion, art, culture, travel, women’s issues, human rights and mental health. Email: