An Eventful Morning

With flowers and cats

A mote of dust
Tea with Mother Nature
3 min readFeb 23, 2023


Never enough violas, are there?

I visited one of the local nurseries today morning. With high hopes of scoring spring/summer saplings.

I was greeted with spectacular rows of happy blooms.

Bed of gold ft. Calendulas
Popping red | Indian poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
Arctotis ‘Pumpkin Pie’

Unfortunately, none of these were on sale. They were already set in propagation beds.

I was happy anyways to stroll among the stunning beds.

California poppy, English roses, and assorted wild stuff
Strawflowers in the making
Mexican aster — Cosmos bipinnatus

I love the wild nooks of nurseries and gardens. They are nature’s unabashed canvas. Such glamour and zest at every turn!

Bougainvillea draping a carpet of dandelion, oxalis and carrot weed
Mistflower / Blue ageratum interrupting a field of oxalis
French marigolds drowning in a verdant sea

When I returned (with a dozen Indian roses among other things) — there was a peculiar noise coming from the backyard… Low, drawling growls and fizzing coughs.

It was the onset of a tomcat fight!

Grumblin’ and growlin’ | New guy and Salon bhai

I threatened both of them lovingly.

Cats fight nasty. And the grey tom is a notorious ear biter (he put one clear hole in Moshi’s ear last month).

Moshi | Sun healing the hole in his left ear

Thankfully the toms decided to let each other live today, and there was no further commotion.

Deciding on a different route

A handful of jungle babblers, starlings, bulbuls (red vented and red whiskered), robins (Indian and Magpie) — who were all reporting live from the scene just like I was — dispersed as well.

An accidental blep between spitfiring

What can I say. Life’s entertaining.

Photos © Shreyasi



A mote of dust
Tea with Mother Nature

I write about the other living things, and my life. Gardener, wildlife watcher.