Be Human

Nature teaches

Suma Narayan
Tea with Mother Nature
1 min readMar 2, 2022


A Neem tree
Photo by Madhav Malleda on Unsplash

There is a Neem tree by the Park, our Park. The Neem is a medicinal tree which has immense value in the treatment of a mind-boggling number of human ailments. Years of abuse by road-builders, graffiti artists, construction workers, cement, concrete-dust and sheer indifference has stunted, scarred and traumatised the tree.

And today, I passed by the tree, and like a benediction, a blessing, a prayer answered, a phoenix rising from the ashes, two shoots, with tender, timorous, tremulous leaves have appeared, and were hesitantly smiling at the rising sun.


A metaphor.

Sometimes, people are crushed underfoot by those who think that they have ‘arrived’, that they have reached positions of glory and fame, that they have gained that coveted ‘chair’, that everyone is answerable to them, that they are invincible. But the hourglass turns, the sands run out, time moves on, ‘the ‘moving finger writes’…..and the ‘victim’ becomes the victor, the ‘weakling’, strong, and the ‘strong’ man, an object of pity and ridicule. Please remember, in our mad climb up the ladder, we just might meet the same people we casually threw off it.

Take care. Destiny is a strange thing. Life is funny.

Be human.

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Suma Narayan
Tea with Mother Nature

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: