How Travelling Full Time Has Reduced Our Carbon Footprint

It’s the opposite of what you think.


Back in 2016 on a flight from Europe. Before we became nomadic. Photo Credit: Author

I know what you are thinking.

How the heck does travelling reduce a carbon footprint when flying is the most damaging of all?

This was something that concerned me a little bit when we left Canada in 2017 as well. As environmentalists, we really didn’t want to be contributing to the continued devastation of our natural world. But after being on the road for 4 years, we can see that our life now is much better for the planet than the one we were living before. Below are a few reasons why.

We Produce Less Garbage

When we were living in Canada we were constantly purchasing new things for our house. This stuff came in a ridiculous amount of packaging which was made up of plastic and styrofoam, items that are not recyclable. And let’s not forget the amount of carbon output that occurs because of the shipment processes for these goods. Because we are now minimalists, and we barely ever buy anything new for ourselves anymore, we don’t acquire the waste that we used to while living in Canada.

While the traditional way to shop in Canada was at the supermarket, we also had a large amount of…



Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages
Tea with Mother Nature

I seek new experiences and share my life as an artist, traveler, foodie, gardener, and serious steward of our beloved planet. Life is short, let's get busy!