Javan Rhinoceros- the most endangered creature!

He needs your help…

Shiwangi Dwivedi
Tea with Mother Nature
2 min readDec 26, 2021


Photo by Joel Herzog on Unsplash

Rhinos are listed as one of the most amazing creatures in the world. It’s almost three months ago, that all animal lovers were celebrating World Rhino Day on September 22 with other Rhino lovers out there!

But except of being one of the amazing creatures, poor Rhinos are on the brink of extinction. There are all over 5 different species of rhinos all around the world- Black rhinos, White rhinos, Sumatran Rhinos, Indian Rhinos and Javan rhinos.

In this list, Javan Rhinos have been declared as the most Critically Endangered species by the IUCN. They are very close to extinction with only 60 individuals left which have been protected in the Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia.

The major threat to the Javan rhinos is poaching. Rhinos have been one of the most poached creature in the world, specifically for their horns. Not just today, but also in the history their horns were believed to be a symbol of wealth and were also used in medicines by the Chinese.

It’s found that a single Javan rhino horn is sold up to USD$ 30,000 per kg in the black markets! Several misbeliefs are the cause for the higher demands of their horns in different countries.

However, except these illegal wildlife trades the other reasons behind their declining population are habitat destruction, natural disasters and fatal diseases.

How could we help?

Photo by Siegfried Poepperl on Unsplash

To save their lives from extinction and for the survival of these endangered creatures, we ‘humans’ can play a vital role in our small deeds.

We can pledge to preserve nature’s beauty for our future generations by stopping or not encouraging wildlife crimes.

By avoiding the purchase of illegal wildlife products, contributing to the wildlife conservation funds, making our friends, family and other acquaintances aware of the declined population of the species and adopting the creatures for their survival, we can show some efforts and help them in their existence on Earth.

Not just Javan Rhinos but there are several other poor animals who need our help and are in the range of extinction. Here is an article of mine about the 5 Most Endangered creatures from all over the world, have a read and try to help those pity ones by your small deeds!

You guys can follow my Instagram page too and stay connected for more interesting nature facts and fun!



Shiwangi Dwivedi
Tea with Mother Nature

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