Indian Laburnum Tree. Photo by author, Suma Narayan

Mystic Enchantment

Suma Narayan
Tea with Mother Nature
2 min readNov 17, 2021


The Park we walk in, of a morning, has paths and walkways, ascents and descents, arches and avenues.

There was enchantment in the air today, in the Park, in our avenue of trees.

A team of gardeners with magic in their hands, and love in their souls, trimmed, planted, nurtured shrubs, plants, seedlings and trees.

There are little groves of pine and casuarina, a meandering line of champa trees, sharp bamboo borders, feisty circles of laburnum trees, and the ubiquitous fig, banyan and peepul stragglers.

Waiting in the wings for a chance to burst into glorious efflorescence, is a band of Scholaris Alstonia, the sapt parni trees.

The Gul Mohur Tree in flower. Photo by author Suma Narayan

A carpet of fallen, squashed figs, liberally sprinkled with tiny mauve fallen flowers of another tree lie beneath the wild fig trees. They perfume the air with a heady mix that sends your senses reeling. There is a bunch of dark drongos sitting on one of the trees, alternately gossiping, and snapping at hapless insects as they fly by. There is a hooting call of the greater coucal. The egret walks, with ponderous pomposity among the tufts of grass, casting stern, jaundiced looks at the madly twittering sparrows.

From behind the taller buildings close by, the Sun sends messengers of pink and purple clouds, before bursting out in all his beatific glory.

‘Lord of light, and life and love and laughter,’ I tell Him, ‘dispel the darkness in every heart and every life, remove blight and blisters, wake slumbering souls, touch with light the darkest places of the human mind.’

For a second, after my words wing their way upwards, the sun gleams at me. “Yes,’ he says, “Righto!”

I sent some rays into some lives and hearts and souls.

Did you feel them?

©️ 2021 Suma Narayan. All Rights Reserved.



Suma Narayan
Tea with Mother Nature

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: