Officially Spring

We are very cold indeed

Christine Morris Ph.D.
Tea with Mother Nature
3 min readApr 4, 2022


Photo by author

This purple beauty is developing more flowers. I love it, but cannot remember the name of it. My phone App doesn’t seem very helpful.

We are going through a very cold spell, the nights have hovered around 0 degrees and there has not been much rain. We did have snow at the weekend though. This means some self-seeding plants and a few perennials have been stopped in their growth, or given up the ghost. I will be watching with care.

Photos by author

This is my greengage tree in bloom. It is glorious every spring. That it has never fruited is a sadness for me. Birds love this tree though and several can be found in it at any time. I hang two bird feeders in it, but the birds often sit and sing. They communicate with each other in this way and it delights me.

I wonder if greengage trees are male and female. That might account for the lack of fruit. Or the birds eat them before there is a chance to grow…



Christine Morris Ph.D.
Tea with Mother Nature

A life lived deliberately. Degrees earned. Experience. Poet, traveler, living with life limiting illness.