Plants, Trees, and Fauna

Loving nature

Christine Morris Ph.D.
Tea with Mother Nature


Photo from my collection

These woods near me are a joy every spring. All the English bluebells lilt in the same direction. How clever.

Photo from my collection

This is a common Sandpiper. They are dippers at the shore of brackish waters. The beak is the give away.

Photo from my collection

An otter in a nearby river. Gulls were attacking it. Blast the gulls.

Photo from my collection

A peregrine. They are nesting on a 1970’s eyesore of a building. It is due to be demolished. I strongly expressed my opposition. Because of the peregrines but also the building is close to the harbor and will harm marine life as well as wildlife on the ground and in trees.

Photo from my collection



Christine Morris Ph.D.
Tea with Mother Nature

A life lived deliberately. Degrees earned. Experience. Poet, traveler, living with life limiting illness.