I’ll have my tea with Mother Nature, thanks!

September Tea Party

Publication newsletter reflecting on September 2022.


Tea with an Argus Monitor — Photo by Jane Frost

As I write this I am bubbling with excitement. Today I found a new bird species in my garden! For me, that’s an event that will keep me happy all day.

There’s lots of “new” around at this time of year. New seasons dominate the writing I read as the Northern Hemisphere slips into the amber hues of Autumn and the Southern Hemisphere delights in the joys of Spring. One of the things I love about Medium is experiencing the world through the scribblings of other writers as I endeavour to make my own contribution to the scribblings.

Newsletters were getting tiresome, so I’m mixing it up with a NEW format. I’m leaving Medium’s newsletters which, frankly, are cumbersome and unlikely to yield results. I also want to use “pretty links” which the newsletters do not support.

I’m inspired by Katie Michaelson’s collections and Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages’ monthly round-ups.

I’m also going to introduce monthly prompts. I hope you’ll get involved!



Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)
Tea with Mother Nature

Jane is passionate about Australian native plants, gardening, biodiversity, food forests , nature and the Arts. Also - owner/editor of Tea with Mother Nature