Shouting Out Makes Winners of Us All

In response to Coffee Challenge; Why I am pro-shoutout movement


Graphic by Author (using Canva)

Today a new writer commented on one of my stories. As I often do, I moseyed on over to check out her work. She had one follower, one story and 10 claps. Well, that just wouldn’t do! I followed, read, clapped and made a comment.

That got me thinking about my first days on Medium and there have been so many great “firsts” since joining the platform. Firsts mean a lot to writers. We’re all putting ourselves out there and trying to get our words read for one reason or another.

I remember the bubbles of excitement when people first started interacting with my stories, so it felt good to return the favour to Sabrina Love. I must qualify though, I wouldn’t have commented if it wasn’t a genuine comment that sprang to mind. We need to be genuine. When we’re not, it shows. This is the story:

The first story that mentioned me (exclusive of a list associated with a publication or follower thanks) was from the amazing Katie Michaelson. If you get the…



Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)
Tea with Mother Nature

Jane is passionate about Australian native plants, gardening, biodiversity, food forests , nature and the Arts. Also - owner/editor of Tea with Mother Nature