Signs of Spring in My Backyard

Flowers are blooming and leaves are turning green

Kim Zuch
Tea with Mother Nature


Pink flower against a brown tree bark background.
Photo by Kim Zuch.

I was outside watering the grass after work when I took the time to really look around our backyard. I hadn’t noticed the plum tree blooming, or that the lilac bush was just getting ready to bloom. I’d noticed the dandelions, but I hadn’t stopped to take a closer look.

Once I did walk around with my camera, I noticed more and more signs that spring is finally here.

Pink blossoms against a dark green background and blue sky.
Photo by Kim Zuch.

The blossoms on the plum trees reminded me that I need to water more often. These trees need water. Since we got very little snow over the winter, I will have to spend more time watering the grass, flowers, and trees.

There are two birch trees in the front yard that were showing signs of drought stress last year. I’ll have to make it a point to water more when possible.

Bright purple lilac flowers and flower buds, with green lilac leaves in the background.
Photo by Kim Zuch.

I grew up just down the road from my grandma and aunt. They had the most beautiful lilac bushes in a variety of colors. Huge bushes covered in…



Kim Zuch
Tea with Mother Nature

I write about nature, birdwatching, the outdoors, and conservation issues. I like to share pictures and sometimes my dogs show up. Twitter: @kimclawson2