Some Colours of Winter

Photostory from a morning walk

A mote of dust
Tea with Mother Nature
3 min readJan 9, 2023


Dewdrops and the dahlia | From writer’s garden

The cold wave of the last few weeks has cut short my teatime with mother nature. I refrained from going out on walks, mostly kept to indoors, and spent limited time in the garden.

When a friend visited two days ago, we set out to explore the outdoors together for a brief hour. I’m sharing some scenes from our chilled stroll around the garden and nearby fields.

Chilly morning (12°C/54°F) of January in NCR, India.

A delightful hibiscus | From writer’s garden

The graceful forms and colours of flowers make them my favourite focus while walking in the garden.

Blushing blooms of brinjal bush | From writer’s garden

Each part of a plant, be it what’s considered commonly a weed, or a fancy ornamental, bears infinite signs of an extraordinary, expert craftsmanship.

In nature, I have only ever found an increasingly humbling semblance of what I consider as true creation.

A slice of Ghibli — carpet of oxalis below white barked trees belonging to my neighbour | © Writer

The scenes warped wilder and loomed larger as we walked towards the outskirts.

Fields of gold | © Writer
When my phone camera decided not to capture a breathtaking frame clearly | © Writer

The views on both sides of the narrow road reminded me of Van Gogh’s landscapes.

Credits: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)

My friend and I started giggling when we came across this particular field of all shades of green but one block of scorching purple.

It was a pleasure to look at!

A farmer’s canvas | © Writer

As we returned from the scenic walk, we paused near a sizeable clump of roadside cannas, nasturtiums and false daisies.

My friend commented on my luck.

How lucky I am to have access to such vast, open and colourful landscapes, hardly a kilometer away from my house.

Time well spent | © Writer

I agreed earnestly.

It’s really a magnificent place, like most of our earth — and it found me right when I needed it.

Am only humbled by each such manifestation of undeserved grace in my life.



A mote of dust
Tea with Mother Nature

I write about the other living things, and my life. Gardener, wildlife watcher.