Sun rise. Green glow.

Suma Narayan
Tea with Mother Nature
2 min readNov 12, 2021
Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash

It is autumn in our neck of the woods, but the Sun doesn’t seem to know it. By 7 am, he is already grinning at us above the trees. He woke up a little late, but there he is!

Beneath the copper-pod, (Peltophorum Pterocarpum, to give it its botanical name)trees in the Park, golden-yellow blossoms have carpeted the paver blocks beneath it so thickly that not a bit of the blocks show.

The side where the morning sun kisses first, some trees have lost their suddenly sere leaves, and they lie in a rustling mass beneath the tree, on one side. On the other, the leaves are just beginning to brown and curl in their last paroxysms before death. A day later, the tiniest, most delicate-looking budded leaves have already begun to tremble on the bare branches, on the sunny side. They are pale green and flamingo, coral and blush pink, salmon, peach and rose pink and they are all so happy to be alive that if you listen carefully, you can hear them sing and chuckle, on every wafting breeze.

Every single hedge, bush and border is blooming with every colour and shade known to woman.

And the trees? What about them?

Well, they have all lifted their arms to light and heat and warmth. In those open arms, they have offered as their gift, to the sun and the breeze and the cloudless sky, flowers so brilliantly hued, that sometimes I stand still, heart-hurting, heart-full, heart-warm with all that beauty, the scents, the sights and the sheer extravagance of all that beauty.

All that love.

Fill your eyes and your mind with them. Let them be your morning prayer, your evening hymn.

When you go out into the possible drudgery of your everyday work, if you fill your senses with this flood of colour, this benediction of a sun-kissed day, there will be warmth and a sense of blessing in all you do, however painful it otherwise is.

And I know what ‘painful’ means: believe me, I do.

You will have a blessed day, then.

Have a blessed day.

©️ 2021 Suma Narayan. All Rights Reserved.



Suma Narayan
Tea with Mother Nature

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: