Gardening Hacks and Tips

The Propagating Hack that Changed my Life

Water-wise and cheap to set up, propagating by cutting has become easier than it ever was before!


Me with my surviving Lemon Myrtle cutting! Photo by Author

As we prepared to move house, I found myself dismayed by the number of rare or difficult-to-get plants that were in the ground. I wanted to take them with me!

The answer?

Propagation by cuttings!

This sounds like a simple solution but many of the Australian plants that I wanted to propagate are difficult to say the least. I watched as each time, the cuttings perished without striking.

I was particularly keen to propagate my Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) tree as it had a lovely habit and wonderful leaves. The crop was not matched by the one I had in a pot. Lemon Myrtle are notoriously difficult to propagate from cuttings and extremely variable from seed propagation. I wanted a clone!

In the last few years, I must have taken more than one hundred cuttings of the Lemon Myrtle and none survived. Other plants were hit and miss with only a small portion of the Australian native trees striking. The Australian coleuses were the exception with almost 100% success.



Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)
Tea with Mother Nature

Jane is passionate about Australian native plants, gardening, biodiversity, food forests , nature and the Arts. Also - owner/editor of Tea with Mother Nature