
The Slim-waisted Wasps and the Rogue Oregano

“Delight in Disorder”

Gauri Sirur
Tea with Mother Nature
3 min readJun 23, 2022


Oregano blooms.

When I planted my small herb garden, I put wooden partitions between my five herbs.

“And don’t think outside your box,” I told them.

The Chives and Thyme took note and kept well within their boxes. The Rosemary grew tall and wide but didn’t stray outside its home.

As always, the Mint grew wild and had to be constantly weeded out of the other beds.

The Oregano grew lustily but behaved itself otherwise — until this year.

This year, Oregano took a leaf out of its cousin, Mint’s playbook — and went rogue.

O-rogue-ano. (Sorry, couldn’t resist that.)

The oregano put out a crazy amount of foliage. And blooms.

I have never seen as many blooms in the seven years I had the plant. It is so weighed down with flowers that the stems lean over the side of the box, and graze the lawn.

Photo by Author

The wasps beat me to it…



Gauri Sirur
Tea with Mother Nature

Reader, Writer, Dreamer. Mostly whimsical, sometimes serious.