The Time to Start a Garden is Now

The way to beat inflation, chronic disease, and depression

Lisa Manzer
Tea with Mother Nature


Woman standing in garden holding a basket with veggies.
Image Credit: Canva

I don’t have to tell you how expensive groceries are, and if you read any of my articles, you are probably depressed over all the poison in our food.

All the more reason to start a garden.

I wrote an article a while back that lays the foundation for starting your own garden and why you should. I bring it up again because the price of food is getting really out of hand!

I have a tiny garden because when I was working beaucoup hours as a nurse, I thought I wanted to simplify my life and buy a house in a development. “Oh, it will be great!” I told Gary. I remember telling him how we could make friends and have people over for barbeques. The house we picked out has an open floor plan, and I thought, how wonderful to visit with everyone while I am sipping wine and serving up charcuterie boards.

BIG mistake! I HATE open floor plans. Gary HATES open floor plans. We don’t have the neighbors over for barbeques. We don’t entertain. And…



Lisa Manzer
Tea with Mother Nature

👩‍⚕️Retired RN 🌪 Disparager of Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Government ☠ Learning from my past, enjoying today, and preparing for tomorrow.