What Life Is Like at the Equator

We have lived in Uganda for almost a year now.


We didn’t plan to come to the Equator, and we didn’t even know that Uganda was on the Equator, until we found ourselves in the country. If I were to conjure up countries that lie on the Equator, I would always think of Ecuador, for obvious reasons. But until arriving in Africa, I hadn’t even considered the countries on this continent that also lie along this invisible line.

Not only have we been in Uganda for a combined total of 10 months now, but we have also been just outside of Kikorongo for 7 of those months.

Kikoronogo is literally right on the Equator.

Of course, many think that being on the Equator would be stifling hot, but that really isn’t the case. Uganda lies a good deal up above sea level (we are now at 900m or approx. 2700 feet), which keeps the air crisp and cooler than if we were lower down. The humidity is quite low also, so we aren’t dripping in sweat like we were in Costa Rica or other parts of the tropics. It maintains a pretty steady temperature in the high 20’s to low 30’s, (82–89F) and the nights are reasonably cool. In reality, this has been the best, most comfortable climate that we have found in…



Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages
Tea with Mother Nature

I seek new experiences and share my life as an artist, traveler, foodie, gardener, and serious steward of our beloved planet. Life is short, let's get busy!