Why you should grow borage in your garden

A spotlight on this wonderful superplant

Ivy Shepherd
Tea with Mother Nature


Photo: Ivy Shepherd

Known as the starflower, borage is truly a superplant.

Edible and medicinal, borage is a herb that has many uses in the kitchen, as well as being a favourite source of nectar and pollen to pollinators.

With its starry, blue flowers, it is an annual, so it does all of its growing in one season. But it is a prolific self-seeder and will establish itself in your garden, coming back year after year.

Because of its attraction to pollinators, it is a great companion plant for fruit such as strawberries and also tomato plants, increasing their yield. Borage will provide a resistance to pests and diseases to the other plants that it is planted amongst.

Beekeepers love to site their hives close to borage for the well sought after flavour that it lends to the honey.

With its cucumber-flavoured leaves, all parts of the plant, except the roots, can be eaten. The flowers can be used as a garnish and really brighten up a dish.

Photo: Ivy Shepherd

Borage in my garden



Ivy Shepherd
Tea with Mother Nature

Gardener. Plant manager. Nature lover. Sharing seasonal stories of the garden, nature and the environment.