Making the Best After-School Activity Decisions for Your Child’s Development

Make the best choices for your child’s growth and well-being

Irmantas Baltrušaitis
4 min readFeb 25, 2024


Photo by Rachel on Unsplash

“Our children should be properly introduced to the world in which they live.”
— Thomas Berry

Choosing the right after-school activities for your child can play a crucial role in their overall development. From sports and arts to academic clubs, there are numerous options to consider. This guide will provide you with key factors to consider when making after-school activity decisions, ensuring that you make the best choices for your child’s growth and well-being.

Understand your child’s interests and strengths

Before making any after-school activity decisions, it’s important to understand your child’s interests and strengths. Take the time to observe and talk to your child about what they enjoy doing and what they excel at. Are they more inclined towards sports, arts, or academics? Do they have a particular talent or passion? By understanding their interests and strengths, you can choose activities that align with their natural abilities and provide them with opportunities for growth and development.

Consider the time commitment and scheduling

Take into account your child’s existing commitments, such as schoolwork and other extracurricular activities. Will the new activity fit into their schedule without overwhelming them? Additionally, consider the time and effort required from you as a parent. Will you be able to accommodate the activity’s schedule and provide the necessary support? By carefully considering the time commitment and scheduling, you can ensure that your child’s after-school activities are manageable and enjoyable for both of you.

Look for activities that promote skill development

Consider what skills your child is interested in or would like to improve upon. For example, if your child enjoys art, look for activities that focus on painting, drawing, or sculpting. If they are interested in sports, consider signing them up for a football or basketball league. By choosing activities that align with your child’s interests and goals, you can ensure that they are engaged and motivated to learn and grow. Additionally, these activities can help your child develop important skills such as teamwork, discipline, and problem-solving.

Consider the social aspect and opportunities for interaction

It’s important to consider the social aspect and opportunities for interaction. Look for activities that provide opportunities for your child to interact with their peers and develop social skills. This can include team sports, group classes, or clubs where they can collaborate and work together with others. Social interaction is crucial for your child’s development as it helps them learn how to communicate, cooperate, and build relationships. By choosing activities that foster social interaction, you are not only helping your child develop important social skills but also providing them with a supportive and engaging environment to thrive in.

Take into account your child’s overall well-being and balance

Consider their schedule and make sure they have enough time for rest, relaxation, and free play. Overloading your child with too many activities can lead to burnout and stress. It’s also important to consider their interests and passions. Allow them to choose activities that they enjoy and are passionate about, as this will help them stay motivated and engaged. Lastly, consider their academic workload and make sure they have enough time for homework and studying. Finding the right balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and free time is key to ensuring your child’s overall well-being and development.

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Irmantas Baltrušaitis

Bachelor degree of Maths and Computing. Master degree of Education Management. 13+ years of experience in education field. Also, I like cars and photography.