The Real Reasons Why Teachers Are Leaving Their Jobs

Irmantas Baltrušaitis
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2023

The education system is experiencing a concerning trend of teachers leaving their jobs. This article explores the various reasons behind this phenomenon and sheds light on the challenges that teachers face in their profession. Understanding these factors is crucial in finding solutions to retain and support educators in their vital role.

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
Michael Altshuler

Lack of Support and Resources

One of the main reasons why teachers are leaving their jobs is the lack of support and resources provided to them. Many teachers feel overwhelmed and unsupported in their classrooms, with large class sizes, limited materials, and inadequate professional development opportunities. This lack of support can lead to burnout and frustration, causing teachers to seek other career options. It is essential for schools and education systems to prioritize providing the necessary resources and support to teachers to ensure their success and retention in the profession.

Low Pay and Benefits

Another significant factor contributing to teachers leaving their jobs is the issue of low pay and benefits. Teachers feel undervalued and undercompensated for the important work they do. Teaching is a demanding profession that requires extensive education and training, yet the salaries and benefits often do not reflect the level of dedication and expertise required. This financial strain can lead to financial instability and dissatisfaction, prompting teachers to seek higher-paying career opportunities outside of the education field. Addressing the issue of low pay and benefits is crucial in attracting and retaining talented individuals in the teaching profession.

High Workload and Stress

Teachers are often required to handle large class sizes, manage behavior issues, create lesson plans, grade assignments, and meet various administrative demands. This can lead to long working hours, limited personal time, and a constant feeling of being overwhelmed. The stress and pressure can take a toll on teachers’ mental and physical health, leading them to seek less demanding and stressful career options. Providing adequate support and resources for teachers is essential in retaining them in the education system.

Lack of Autonomy and Creativity

Teachers are leaving their jobs due to the lack of autonomy and creativity in the education system. Many teachers feel that they are restricted by rigid curriculum guidelines and standardized testing requirements, which limit their ability to tailor their teaching methods to the unique needs and interests of their students. This lack of freedom and creativity can lead to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction among teachers, as they are unable to fully utilize their skills and expertise in the classroom. Teachers thrive when they have the freedom to innovate and explore different teaching approaches, but the current system often stifles their creativity. Providing teachers with more autonomy and flexibility in their teaching practices can help to improve job satisfaction and retention rates in the education field.

Lack of Career Advancement Opportunities

Many teachers feel that there is limited room for growth and professional development, with few opportunities for promotion or higher positions. This can lead to feelings of stagnation and frustration, as teachers may feel that their skills and expertise are not being recognized or valued. Without the prospect of career advancement, teachers may become disengaged and seek opportunities in other fields where they can continue to grow and progress in their careers. Providing more avenues for career advancement, such as mentorship programs, leadership roles, and specialized training opportunities, can help to retain talented teachers and keep them motivated in their profession.

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Irmantas Baltrušaitis

Bachelor degree of Maths and Computing. Master degree of Education Management. 13+ years of experience in education field. Also, I like cars and photography.